Little Crackers

A Week In Nursery

This week in Dormice, we’ve been exploring the concepts of big and little. We examined the sizes of bricks and animals during our playtime. Sophia was delighted to find a big horse while playing with the farm set.

Despite the wet weather preventing us from going outside every day, we had a great time in the sandpit in the Garden Room, which all the children loved. We also enjoyed looking at the shells and comparing their different sizes as we played.

In Badgers and Hedgehogs, some of our focus this week has been upon keeping clean, so we have had lots of ‘scrubadub-dubbing’ activities. The children learned to handle slippery bars of soap in the water tray which had transformed into a bathtime bonanza for the dolls and action men.

We enjoyed giggles singing along to our topical action song, This is the way we wash our face…, using a showerhead as a microphone.

During one of our Maths sessions the children chose mystery washbags filled with all sorts of wash-time objects, such as flannels, tubes of toothpaste, tablets of soap, etc. Each child had to arrange their objects into a neat line for careful counting, then retrieve the corresponding digit and show the correct quantity on their fingers. They were also introduced to a ‘tens frame’ which is a simple visual aid that is used for a maths mastery approach to calculation.

We have completed our RE unit about God’s Creation and have begun thinking about how God the Father Cares for us. This year, our Catholic community focus is to serve others as a sign of our Christian love. Archbishop Bernard Longley recently wrote to all the parishes in our Birmingham Diocese, reminding us that the official term for this is ‘Caritas’ and so we have been noticing when children use their ‘helping hands’ in class to show care for each other, because as God cares for us, so we must care for others. We write the names of children who show spontaneous acts of kindness or thoughtfulness onto little Caritas hands on our recognition board. This might be something as simple as helping a friend to put on a painting overall or holding a friend’s hand to reassure them.

Badgers and Hedgehogs have also created a collaborative collage to hang on the wall. The children were tasked to take the glue bottle for a meandering dribble, then to decorate the curly, swirly path using their favourite colours and textures from our tub of recycled craft materials.

We shared our Forest School site with Stay and Play this week, so kits have been retained until next week. Have a wonderful weekend everybody!

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Parents' Meetings - Badgers And Hedgehogs - Reminder

We have scheduled two upcoming dates for informal parent meetings, for those children in Badgers and Hedgehogs (Dormice will be later in the term).

If you have not yet booked your appointment, please contact Clare Bird on

  • Monday 14 October - 4.00pm to 5:30pm
  • Friday 18 October - 4.00pm to 5:00pm