Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 

I am pleased to see blue sky as I write this, giving us a break from the very grey weather. Spirits here at school have not been dampened over a fantastic week, with the usual Crackley Hall activities plus some wonderful sporting achievements to celebrate.

We start with football results which we are delighted to share. Last Friday our U10 Girls Football Team were representing Crackley Hall at the Midlands ISA tournament. The girls excelled throughout the tournament and made their way to the final match of the day. Here they acquitted themselves admirably, both in defence and attack, until the match went to extra time, when we scored! The team all were awarded Junior da Vincis for their teamwork, skills, conduct and behaviour – what a super performance! It was lovely to see four of the J4 girls being called up to represent this very strong team. Well done and thanks to Mr Stedeford who coached the girls!

Our U11 Girls Football team represented Crackley Hall at the ISA Midlands Tournament on Monday. The team progressed to the Plate play-offs, where in the semis they drew 1-1. The match proceeded to penalties, which we won, the girls then went on to the final which they also won and were awarded gold medals. Well, done to our talented J6 players and thank you to Mrs Vaughan for coaching them.

Four of our Junior 5 pupils took part in a Primary School Maths Challenge at Princethorpe earlier this week. We competed against 28 other schools, in which the participants navigated fast-paced conundrums and tasks where they needed to apply their problem-solving skills under pressure.  They also needed to work collectively as a team!  It was a wonderful event to be part of. Well done to all four pupils. 

Junior 1 visited St Johns Museum on Wednesday and, by all accounts, really enjoyed the day. It was a lovely chance for the children to see how life was like back then. Many thanks to Mrs Hardwick and the team who accompanied the pupils and for organising and planning the trip.

Father Kevin led a most informative and important Rosary Assembly on Thursday where he explained what this special prayer means and how it came about. He kindly showed us some of his own collection of rosaries, gathered over the years from pilgrimages or received as gifts. We all then said a decade of the rosary for the intention of world peace. We should all unite in prayer more often in this time of global need. We sincerely appreciate the very generous support that we receive from Fr Kevin. 

A Youth Engagement officer, PC Darren Lund, visited us on Thursday where he presented to our Junior 6 pupils on matters relating to online safety. We appreciate him coming in and advising us on this topic. Children nowadays have access to online devices and so this important talk was well received. Thanks to Mrs Lammas who arranged for this talk to take place, and to PC Lund for his time.

With a week to go for our Reception and Junior 3 early bird application deadline, this is a gentle reminder that if you are considering Crackley Hall as your primary school choice, to submit applications as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact our Registrar, Jenny Vaughan who can assist you and to advise you with respect to the application process! She can be contacted on 01926 514444.

Hopefully by now you will have received our Parental Questionnaire, sent out earlier today.  Your feedback is important to us, so please take time to complete it in order to help us. It is always so important to garner the opinions and experiences of our parents. We need to know what we are doing well and what works, as well as have thoughts on those areas that need development and improvement. We are blessed with a wonderful school community, but all schools can certainly develop and grow, and we will always try to improve and do our very best to offer a first-class education for our pupils.

I was also delighted with the outstanding rugby results from our U10 teams over two days this week. It was wonderful to hear that the A, B and C teams were victorious against Warwick, King Henry’s and Bablake on Tuesday and that they continued on winning ways on Thursday at the Bilton Grange festival.  Thank you and well done to all the coaches.

I might see some families at the St Francis Church Autumn Fair on Saturday morning – please do support our parish church if you are able.

Have a lovely weekend of rest and relaxation with family and friends.

God bless, 
Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

'Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemetaries. Peace is not the silent revolt of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty'. - Bishop Oscar Romero