
Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Horan led an inspiring Monday Mission assembly that connected the school's ethos to the life and teachings of St Therese of Lisieux, whose feast day was celebrated 1 October.  Mrs Horan emphasised the importance of creating a family astmosphere within our school, where every individual feels loved and valued, which in turn helps us to love, learn and grow. Saint Therese, the Patron Saint of Missionaries, is special within our school as she is the house saint for Jupiter and the whole of this week has been dedicated to her life and work. Saint Therese wanted to do little acts of kindness to help other people. Often referred to as the 'Little Way', this encourages us all to find opportunities for kindness each day. Mrs Horan asked pupils how they too could do this.  Responses included:-

  • Saying kind words
  • Helping people who have fallen down
  • Donating unused items
  • Using good manners

Pupils from Junior 6 helped with prayers and facts about St Therese, and Mrs Horan ended the assembly with a powerful message: if St Therese could perform little acts of kindness with love, so can we.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission