Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 

The weather is certainly changing, and we are seeing definite signs of the autumnal climate encroaching on us. I am not ungrateful for a plentiful supply of water but we have certainly had a lot of rain over the past week. 
Our inaugural House Swimming Gala took place on Wednesday, which was a huge success. The children displayed fierce competition, going up against rival Houses! Well done to all pupils in J4 to J6 for their participation and to Jupiter (St Terese), who won. Thanks to Steve Vaughan who was the instigator of this event taking place, for his organising of the event and to all staff who helped quietly behind the scenes. It is always special to have parents and family members supporting events and I hope that you all enjoyed it as much as the pupils did. Thank you for your support. 
We held our first PTA Meeting of the year on Wednesday night and there were discussions about what requests pupils, parents and staff have made to support, enhance and enrich the children’s experience while here. We are also seeking new role holders and volunteers, so please contact the office staff or me if you are interested in joining.  
Yesterday, we held our Open Evening for Nursery, Reception and Junior 3. It was lovely to welcome prospective parents and pupils into our school. A number of staff were on hand to talk to them, to answer questions and to show the visitors around. Thank you to everyone, especially Jenny Vaughan, Jo Flowers and all the office, catering, estates and classroom staff who were involved.  
This morning, no doubt, you will have seen the PTA during carline taking collections and offering coffee for the annual Coffee Morning in aid of a very worthwhile cause, the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. Thank you for your generous support, as always, through supply cakes and purchasing them. Thank you very much to our PTA for their continued drive and motivation to maintain our charitable contributions and to support the life of the school.  In this case, special thanks to Mrs Leigh Dumighan and her helpers for all they did. Thank you to Mrs Maria Gordon for her leadership and to our other hardworking and willing parents who were here bright and early today (I am afraid to mention by name, in case I leave someone out) – it is much appreciated.  
I would like to congratulate Mrs Glen-Roots on her new appointment at Bede’s School in Eastbourne. She will be heading up their Pre-Prep, which is situated on a stand-alone site (overlooking the sea)! This is a wonderful opportunity for her to make an impact as leader of large department. I have no doubt that, with her skills and knowledge, especially in the Early Years and Pre-Prep, Mrs Glen-Roots will be an asset to Bede`s. This is a life-changing decision for her and her family, who are all very happy here but was an opportunity not to be missed. I am delighted that we could play some part in Sue’s development as a leader and wish her the very best in her new venture as she progresses her career.  I also thank her for her excellent contributions to Crackley Hall during her time here. It is expected that Sue will take up her post at Bede’s after the February half term and this will be confirmed after we have held interviews for her replacement which will take place later this half term. 
Carline works seamlessly when we adhere to the timings, regulations and are considerate to others. We all have the same aim - for the children to come into and leave school safely. Please can I ask this to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind when doing so. In terms of parking, we appreciate space is limited in and around school. We offer the school field to be accessible to help ease the congestion in and around the site. In recent weeks we have had visits from the local policing team, who are paying attention to the area, and we will continue to work collaboratively with them. In addition, this week we had a near miss happen in the car line around the flagpole. Fortunately, no-one was injured but it certainly shook a few people. It could have been much more serious. A few reminders are to adhere to speed limits, be especially careful when reversing and try to follow the direction of those on duty. Parents wishing to leave their cars are invited to please use the lower car park in the first instance. We also ask that parents or guardians accompany their children to the pedestrian gate (and from it) and that all pedestrians use the perimeter pathway wherever possible. 
We keep in mind and in our prayers, all Junior 6 pupils and their milestones as they consider secondary school. We wish them the best as some are taking entrance examinations that are coming up soon - good luck and do your best! Our Junior 6 staff are all well versed to help prepare the children and will support them through the process. 
I am looking forward to the PTA Headmaster’s Mayoral Quiz tonight. This is a great social event, an opportunity to make new friends and maybe even learning a thing or two. These events are a great opportunity to meet people you may not cross paths within day to day drop off and collections that take place. Thank you to everyone who is supporting this event and to those working hard behind the scenes, particularly Mrs Maria Gordon. 
What a lovely way to end the week with a fantastic singing performance by Jessie in this morning`s assembly. She is a real inspiration and was able to hold the assembly throughout her song.  Excellent, Jessie! Congratulations to our fantastic starts of the week: Nursery – Harris; Reception –Jeea and Eadie; J1 – Emma and Maria; J2 – Tobias and Isla; J3 – Royce and Lucas; J4 – Cameron and Lewis; J5 – Francesca and Will; and J6 – Leo and Charlie. Well done to you all! 
We have some dry weather to look forward to tomorrow, as well as some very exciting sports fixtures.  I hope that everyone is able to enjoy restful time with families this weekend. 

God bless, 
Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." - Ronald Reagan.