Little Crackers

A Week In Nursery

We have been delighted with how kindly the Badgers and Hedgehogs have received this week’s new entrants. This is our third week of transition and the children have worked hard to embrace all our new routines, and are gelling beautifully as a cohort. Dormice have also been establishing routines for the new starters and it's lovely to see how well they are settling.

Our specialist PE and Music lessons have begun this week and within the classroom we have introduced daily focus sessions for Maths and Phonics. So, all the ‘enhanced elements’ of our weekly Early Years timetable are now embedded as part of the children’s expected experience, alongside the standard EYFS curriculum.

During Circle time this week the emphasis has moved from reporting to imagining. For example, the children have each taken turn to describe how they would like to travel to school and came up with lots of original ideas, such as ‘on the back of an elephant’, ‘riding on a spider’, ‘in a hot air balloon’, ‘in a really fast racing car’.

All our Badgers have begun taking home story books, which they have chosen themselves and which they are invited to exchange whenever they so wish. The current titles are from the Usbourne Farm series and the Maisy collection. I will exchange the bank of books at half term, when I will also include a selection of non-fiction texts.

Our subtraction counting rhyme for the week has a Forest School theme and involves the children visiting Mrs Squirrel’s shop to buy her spiky pinecones, purchased with log slice currency. It is a funny song and has had all the children in giggles.

It has been a such a happy and productive week in Nursery. Well done everyone!

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