Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 
As I write this piece today, I look back and cannot believe that another week has flown by. As usual we have had lots going on, with the New Parents Welcome Evening on Tuesday. We had a good turnout of parents - thank you for taking the opportunity to come into school and speak to the staff. I am grateful to all the staff who attended, to the catering team and to Mrs Jenny Vaughan for her organisation of the event. 
The Chronicle is the main source of information regarding all school matters and events. You can be confident that, as it is produced by school staff, it should be accurate. We are mindful of the informal communications that go on outside of our knowledge and would like to remind parents and families that the existence of WhatsApp groups, although really useful much of the time, can sometimes convey incorrect information or ‘grow a life of their own’. Sometimes the office needs to deal with the consequences that unintentionally shared misinformation can cause. 
As I reflect on this past week, our annual of Blessing of the Stones service comes to mind as one of the highlights. Our new pupils gathered, together with Fr Kevin and staff members, asking God to guide us spiritually over the time ahead and they were able to leave their own legacy of the stone as a symbol of building their young lives on solid foundations. The prayer garden and outdoor classroom area is a peaceful space offering all in the school community time to pause and to just be. My sincere thanks are extended to Father Kevin, Mrs Horan, staff and parents. 
On Wednesday we held our celebratory Stay ’n Play party, commemorating 20 years of these gatherings that initiate the very start of a connection for some pupils with us. Thank you very much Miss Birch and the Nursery staff, to Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Mrs Simmonds and Mrs Stephenson for all they contributed to a very busy, happy and exciting morning. 
We thank you for your efforts in embracing the new systems we have adopted, such as the aftercare bookings on My School Portal. We are aware there will be niggles as we settle to new ways of working but it will become easier as you become familiar with processes and platforms.  
There is still the chance to join us at the Mayoral and PTA Headmasters’ quiz on Friday 27 September. Do you think you can beat the staff or the local town and city mayors? Do please come and give it a try! The PTA provides so much for our pupils and, if you are interested in joining the team, please let the school office know. They will put you in touch with PTA members. Alternatively, please liaise with Chair, Maria Gordon, if you are interested.  
At a lovely celebration assembly this morning we handed our Star of the Week certificates to: Nursery – Finley; Reception – Georgia and Hendrix; J1 – Joel and Parker; J2 – Alice and Eli; J3 – Ella and May; J4 – Kenji and Theo; J5 – Alfie and Vincent; and J6 – Scarlett and Ryan. Well done to all of our, most deserving, stars of the week. We were treated to a super singing performance from Anna – she really has a lovely voice and kept all her peers enthralled throughout. 
I hope that you will all be able to enjoy a restful and happy weekend, whether with friends and family or watching and playing sport. 
God bless, 
Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

"World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think the manifestation of human compassion." - Dalai Lama XIV