Learning In Action

Junior 6

In RE lessons, Junior 6 have been exploring different genres and styles of writing in the Bible. They wowed their teachers with a variety of persuasive performances about topics that matter to them; for example caring for the environment and being kind to others. The children chose how to convey their message, presenting their work using rap, poetry, a letter, or a story.

The children have also been studying mountains in Geography. They looked at the major mountain ranges of the world and where they are located. Then, they learnt about the locations of mountain ranges in Europe.  Another great week, keep climbing Junior 6!

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Junior 5

In Computing, Junior 5 have been learning about staying safe online using an acronym, SMART (Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell). They have been responding to different scenarios, identifying mistakes made.

Junior 5 have also begun to explore the texts Flanimals. The children even created their very own Flanimal and invented words for them. They used imaginative and ambitious vocabulary to describe their Flanimal's appearance, how it moves and where it lives.

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Junior 4

Junior 4 have had a brilliant week. In Maths, they have been learning about estimating the position of a number on a number line. They calculated the value of each interval to make their work easier and even looked at number lines with no marks on.

In Science, they have been studying classification, specifically classifying plants and trees based on their visible characteristics. The children went out to the Forest School area to photograph the leaves of various trees. They then noted down all of the characteristics they noticed to help them classify them.

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Junior 3

The week has absolutely flown by in Junior 3, as the children settle down to their new routines and different lessons.

In Science, they talked about how important a balanced diet is before designing their own healthy lunch, which included some creative combinations! It has been wonderful to see how the children have all thought carefully about how minerals and vitamins can help keep us healthy and strong on the inside as well as the outside.

Their English lessons have focused on grammar, which has included the correct use of speech marks and expanded noun phrases, whilst still using their chosen text – Stone Age Boy for inspiration.

They have also been putting the Base Ten equipment and the place value counters to good use whilst they explored hundreds, tens and ones in their Maths lessons. It has been such a busy week of learning!

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Junior 2

This week, Junior 2 have been continuing their work on the story of Rapunzel. They have impressed us with their ideas around the differences between various versions of the tale, and shared what they thought about the story. They also wrote super adjective sentences to describe Rapunzel and thought carefully about what they would ask her if they could meet her in real life. We continue to be ‘wowed’ by Junior 2 and their super efforts!

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Junior 1

Junior 1 enjoyed a sensory walk this week using their senses to guide them. They walked through nature and enjoyed the peaceful spaces surrounding them. They felt the different textures under their feet and listened to the beautiful sounds of chirping birds. The children were fully able to immerse themselves as they enjoyed the connection they made to the natural world. They also excited their taste buds this week by tasting a variety of foods, with Marmite being a hit or miss taste - you either love it or hate it!

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On Wednesday, Reception children really enjoyed meeting Father Kevin in our Outdoor Classroom for the Blessing of the Stones. The children were eager to see their stones added to the school collection, just as they have now become part of our school family.

In the classroom this week has also been all about our pets - and the pets we wish we had! The children have drawn pictures, had a go at some lovely early writing and continued with their phonics journey. In Maths we searched for matching socks - making sure the patterns were the same as we spotted checks, stripes and spots.

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