Blessings of the Stones - For New Starters
On Wednesday 18 September, all new pupils to Crackley Hall will join in a Blessings of the Stones service. We are inviting all Reception children and new starters to bring in a stone that they have painted or decorated. They can write their name on it, draw their family or hobby, a flower, a symbol, a favourite place - anything that they would like to represent them - and paint it in their favourite colour and then varnish it.
Father Kevin will bless all the stones during the service and will encourage the pupils to feel a sense of belonging to the Crackley Hall School community and understand that it is the children who help to build a school. We will then add the stones to our prayer garden, reminding the pupils that even when they have left, their stones will still be there.
Please bring your stones to the class teacher by Monday 16 September.