
Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Horan led the Monday Mission Assembly and reminded the school about the school's ethos.  The theme was Creation and as we listened to All Things Bright and Beatiful, we reflected on the role that we play in looking after our world. This was then linked with Pope Francis' World Day of Prayer, recognised as being on the 1 September, which encourages people around the world to pray for our common home. Mrs Horan asked the school community how we can look after our world. Answers ranged from being responsible about recycling, feeding the birds in our gardens, being gentle with animals, and not wasting food. The assembly concluded with pupils from Junior 6 reciting the Laudate Deum prayer, where we thought about the things we can do to protect our shared Earth. The world sings of an endless love. How can we fail to care for it?



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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission