Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I really hope that everyone has been able to enjoy some time with their families and friends over the summer break. I know that many of us would have been working for parts of the summer but the importance and joy of spending time with loved ones, wherever you are able to be, is not to be taken for granted.

I look forward to welcoming all our pupils and their families back to school for the start of another school year and we extend a special welcome to our new pupils and their families. I hope that everyone will be able to enjoy a very happy, busy and successful year ahead. We welcome Corrina Tennant-Bale who will be one our teaching assistants in Reception and Samantha Swann, our new chef. They have both already made a very good impression. Some other members of staff have changed roles and we wish them all the very best for the year ahead. We remember in our prayers those of our families who are having especially hard times at the moment.

With the government's announcement regarding the imposition of VAT on school fees, senior leadership from across the Foundation have worked tirelessly over the holidays, along with our dedicated Trustees who have managed to minimise the impact  on our families and parents. This has been a rather busy summer break but I feel confident that we are well-placed to negotiate the times ahead. Early thought and planning by senior Foundation staff, so ably led by Mr Hester, with support from Mrs Griffin and our excellent trustees, along with further hard work in recent weeks has left me feeling very reassured and confident. I thank them all sincerely. It has been a pleasure to have worked alongside all these people and my fellow Foundation Heads in preparation to mitigate the effect to parents of the VAT on school fees.

It was really wonderful to see all our staff back for training days this week. Mrs Bond, my interim PA, will be leaving us on Monday and I should like to thank her for her invaluable contribution over the past six months. Mrs Holt has taken over from Mrs Bond and has settled back seamlessly into life Crackley Hall. I am so grateful to her for her hard work and support over the holiday period and I look forward to continuing to work with her and our super office team.

For the benefit of our new families, the Chronicle is a weekly newsletter that is sent to all parents. It provides reports on events that involve our children and the school during the current or recent weeks. Additionally, the Chronicle is a useful resource for important dates in the calendar and includes links to letters and relevant information. It is recommended that parents take the time to read it over the weekend to reduce the number of emails sent during the week and make the Chronicle the primary source of information. 

Please peruse the important information contained in this edition and we look forward to seeing you on the first day of term, with a keenness and eagerness to enjoy and undertake a new academic year. 

I should like to wish everyone a happy weekend with family and friends and look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday.

God bless

Rob Duigan