Important Information

Summer Production Recording

If you wish to order a copy of the production, please return the completed order form and place it together with £20 cash in a sealed envelope, and hand in to the school office.

Ordering Form

Locker Keys

Please remind your children that they will need to hand in their locker keys in at the end of term. Any lost keys will be charged at £10 which will be added to their next school bill. 
We still have two unclaimed keys in the office. 

  • One which has ‘Chiropractic Essentials’ lanyard 
  • The Other with Liverpool FC lanyard 

 Thank You 

Library Books

Please can you send into school next week, if you haven't already done so, any library books  that you may have at home. 

Thank you



Last Week Of Term

Please note the following events that will be taking place on the last week of term:

Tuesday 2 July

Leavers Mass - 9:00am to 10:00am

Parents of Leavers have been invited to attend

Prizegiving for Reception to Junior 4 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Parents of prize winners have been invited to attend 

Prizegiving for Junior 5 and 6 - 5.00pm - 7.00pm

Parents of Junior 5 and 6 have been invited to attend

Wednesday 3 July

Junior 6 Leavers' Assembly

Parents of Junior 6 leavers have been invited to attend

Last Day

The last day of term will be Wednesday 3 July, please note the details for this day:

  • Normal school uniform for all children.
  • The day will finish at normal school time.
  • Aftercare will run as usual, please book in the usual way if required.

Bottle Top Request - Reminder

In light our our sustainability focus, Ms Holmes will be collecting all kinds of bottle tops during the next few terms for a summer project in Trinity 2025.  Please could you collect all your bottle tops and bring them into school as and when you have a bag of them.