Little Crackers

A Week In Nursery

Dormice children have been making the most of the lovely summer weather this week, which has finally arrived! We are fortunate to have a wonderful canopy of shade over the Nursery play area to keep the children cool.

Meanwhile, Badgers and Hedgehogs have been sprinkled with fairy dust, as we all took a trip to Enchanted Lands.

This week’s topic was ‘Magical Creatures’ so during Literacy we worked in small groups to create a potion for a magical spell.

The groups each thought carefully about suitable ingredients to add to the great big cauldron, then we acted out mixing the recipe and reciting a hearty ‘Abracadabra’, before drinking the magic potion, and then imagining that the spell had taken effect. The spells enabled the children to fly like a fairy; to breathe fire like a dragon; to dig for treasure like a gnome; and to transform themselves into unicorns.

The Badgers practised hard to prepare for the annual Graduation Ceremony, which was the highlight of the week. They sang songs to thank everyone for helping along their Learning Journey; they presented a mini performance to remind parents about which items they will need in school; and most importantly, that absolutely everything needs to be very clearly labelled! We finished with delicious slices of Graduation cake and all the Nursery children were delighted to be able to finish it off at snacktime the following day, most especially the Hedgehogs and Dormice, who had remained inside due to the scorching heat.

What a busy week we had!

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