Awards and Celebrations

Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery William
Nursery Stephanie
Reception M All of Reception M
Reception O Parker and Sophie
J1G Edison
J1H All of J1H
J2B All of J2B
J2R All of J2R
J3V All of J3V
J3W All of J3W
J4A Jessica and Nieve 
J4R All of J4R
J5L All of J5L
J5S All of J5S
J6H All of J6H
J6V All of J6V

Congratulations to them all!

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Celebration Assembly - Friday 28 June

We love to celebrate our pupils' talents, so every week in Celebration Assembly, we hear of the children's successes and achievements and we watch performances by some of our pupils.  Here are some photos from this morning.

A huge well done to all!

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