Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, Junior 6 have been doing a little bit of everything! We were delighted to hear how well the children got on in their new schools, it's so inspiring to hear them talk so positively about all their new schools and all the new people that they met. We also spent some time planning our Leavers' Mass and Leavers' Assembly, it was so fun to share all our wonderful memories from our time at Crackley. We can’t wait to share them with you next week! Well done J6, over the course of the year you have been such great role models to the rest of the school and we wish you all the best in your future adventures.

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Junior 5

Junior 5 have had an exciting week! It began with Sports Day where the children challenged themselves to do their best in all the track and field events. They worked collaboratively in their Houses - supporting and cheering for their fellow teammates. On Wednesday (Move Up Morning), Junior 5 received a taste of Junior 6, getting to know their new teachers. In French, Junior 5L have been revising colours and sports. They have designed and labelled their own sports kit using key vocabulary. Bravo Junior 5!


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Junior 4

This week marked an exciting transition for Junior 4 as they took their first steps into their future Junior 5 classrooms, meeting their new teachers for next year. They all enjoyed a few welcome games and then created a wonderful colourful silhouette of themselves, which was filled with all the things that they love most in life. Both Mrs Lammas and Mr Stedeford enjoyed getting to know their new classes and were really impressed by their excellent attitudes and how well they adapted to their new environments, whilst making a brilliant first impression. Well done, Junior 4 - you had a wonderful introduction into Junior 5!




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Junior 3

This week in Junior 3W, our English lessons have been focused on the art of persuasive writing. We explored nine key features of persuasive texts, equipping the children with the skills needed to craft a compelling letter. Our goal was to persuade a logging company to cease cutting down trees in the rainforest. The children learnt how to write a formal letter, including the appropriate layout and structure. Using the nine persuasive features, they planned their letters and brainstormed effective arguments. Finally, the children wrote their persuasive letters, ready to send off in the hope of making a real impact. It has been an exciting and meaningful week of learning!

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Junior 2

Junior 2 were so excited about Moving Up Morning on Wednesday, with all of its wonderful opportunities and challenges. Listening to the children talk so happily about their new year and class was heartwarming and we wish them all the very best for Junior 3.

During History, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and the amazing ways she helped make hospitals for sick people. She cared for soldiers and worked very hard to keep them clean and healthy, and the children were keen to learn that she was known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’. Her work saved many lives and changed nursing forever.

We have also explored worry dolls. These small handmade dolls provide comfort as children share their worries and place the dolls under their pillow as they sleep. Children truly enjoyed this creative activity which has allowed them to express themselves positively.

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Junior 1

Junior 1 will be working to the very last minute this school year and there isn't a moment to waste! Our daily phonics lessons continue and we have finally reached the very last 'sound' that we need to know. Poetry has also been the order of the day as we got to grips with Christina Rossetti's poem What is Pink? which painted some beautiful pictures in our minds. We then wrote our own colour poems, trying hard to use our best descriptive skills. On Wednesday, we visited our new classrooms which was very exciting. Junior 1, your teachers are all so proud of everything you have achieved this year and we know you are ready for your next step!

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This week, Reception have been completing their final learning tasks for the year! They have come so far, learnt so much, and had buckets of fun along the way! They spent the morning with their Junior 1 class teacher on Wednesday and the teachers were so impressed with how grown-up and ready for Junior 1 that they are. We have been making the most of the beautiful weather and have spent lots of our learning time outside.

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