Message From PTA

Huge Fun at the Colour Run

We held our Colour Run on 7 June and we all had an absolute ball . . . well potentially with the exception of the fearless Mr Cottrill, who bravely weathered an onslaught of orange slime and copious amounts of colour run powder in the first ever Crackley Hall teacher gunging!

Powder was flying, children were running and jumping and laughing their way over, under and through the slip and slide, tunnels, tyres and rainbow noodles all the way to the technicolour finish to receive their well earned medals.  Many parents noted how lovely the atmosphere was and how much fun the children had with a busy bar selling refreshments on hand too. 

A huge warm Crackley thank you to every single person who volunteered their time to organise and run things on the day - we simply couldn't put on these enjoyable events without you.  Congratulations to all of our Colour runners, we're so glad you had a ton of fun!

Other updates for the Chronicle:

200 Club

Last chance to buy tickets for this half termly draw and the end of year Super Draw for £200!  Only £5 a ticket.  Please click on the link to enter and support your school in a few clicks:

Pre-Loved Uniform

Date for your diaries: our next in-person pre-loved uniform sale is Friday 28 June from 8:20am to 10:00am at The Gables. 

If you have any sports kit that your child has grown out of please do donate as we have several requests for good quality sportswear. Many thanks as ever for your support, we couldn't offer you this service without your kind donations.


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