Important Information

Last Week Of Term

Please note the following events that will be taking place on the last week of term:

Tuesday 2 July

Leavers Mass - 9:00am to 10:00am

Parents of Leavers are invited to attend, further details will be sent out next week.

Prizegiving for Reception to Junior 4 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Parents of prize winners will be invited to attend – further details will be sent out next week.

Prizegiving for Junior 5 and 6 - 5.00pm - 7.00pm

Parents of Junior 5 and 6 will be invited to attend – further details will be sent out next week.

Wednesday 3 July

Junior 6 Leavers' Assembly

Parents of Junior 6 leavers are invited to attend, further details will be sent out next week.

Last Day

The last day of term will be Wednesday 3 July, please note the details for this day:

  • Normal school uniform for all children.
  • The day will finish at normal school time.
  • Aftercare will run as usual, please book in the usual way if required.

Bottle Top Request - Reminder

In light our our sustainability focus, Ms Holmes will be collecting all kinds of bottle tops during the next few terms for a summer project in Trinity 2025.  Please could you collect all your bottle tops and bring them into school as and when you have a bag of them.