Little Crackers

Stay 'n' Play Teddy Bears' Picnic

What a wonderful morning Wednesday was for a Teddy Bears' Picnic! The sun was shining to welcome Stay 'n' Play families to the last session before the Summer break. Little ones enjoyed an outdoor picnic with crafts, followed by parachute games and songs to finish.

Stay 'n' Play returns in the Autumn on Wednesday 11 September for another exciting term of activities and special events. Keep an eye out on our social media pages for news and updates.

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Pre-School Moving Up Morning

On Wednesday 26 June, all children are involved in Moving Up morning, where they will spend time with their new teachers for September. Pre-schoolers attending Nursery that day, will be taken through to the Reception classroom at the appropriate time. If your child does not attend Nursery on a Wednesday, please bring them to school at 10.20am and park in the lower playground, before coming into the school via The Gables entrance.

For collecting at 11.30am, please use this same entrance.

Any questions, please speak to out Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan.


Nursery Graduation - Badgers Only

Wednesday 26 June - 2.00p to 2.30pm

Our Nursery Graduation Ceremony, for all the Badgers, will take place on Wednesday 26 June from 2.00pm to 2.30pm.

If your child does not normally come into nursery on a Wednesday afternoon, please bring them to the main school entrance at 1.45pm and ring the nursery number on the door - 01926 514456. A member of staff will come out to collect your child. As a school we are trying to keep the footfall and noise to a minimum in the reception area, so please wait pateintly in the porch. 

We hope to hold the Graduation ceremony outside on the Gables lawn, so please wait outside when you arrive and park either on the field or courteously on the surrounding roads. We ask that only two adults attend please.

You are more than welcome to take your child home after the ceremony to stop any upset when you leave.

Please email the Nursery Manager, Emma Birch, if you are unable to attend

We look forward to seeing you all there.

New Parents Meeting For Reception 2024

We are looking forward to seeing parents at the New Parents' Meeting for Reception 2024, on Tuesday 25 June 6.00pm to 7.00pm. The Reception team will all be present and the meeting will be hosted by Mrs Glen-Roots, Assistant Head - Early Years and KS1. You will be given some important information and guidance about how to help your child have the best start to their school journey.

If you are not able to attend, please let our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan, know beforehand so she can send you the information that will be shared at the event.

Nursery Celebrates Father's Day

We celebrated Father’s Day at Little Crackers Nursery yesterday and were overjoyed to be joined by 38 Dads and 3 Grandads. Our Badgers and Hedgehogs children entertained everyone with two uplifting songs and we all enjoyed eating some yummy cookies they had made. There were some fun activites to do together, including making a picture frame from lolly sticks, solving puzzles, chalking on the board, shared stories, biscuit decorating, sticking and lots of building activities.

Everyone had such fun, and everyone left with smiles on their faces!

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A Week In Nursery

Badgers and Hedgehogs have spent the week spinning through Space and rocketing round the Solar System, amongst aliens of every shape and size.

Our Literacy book for the week was Aliens Love Underpants which made the children giggle, so we ran with the theme and matched underwear for the dual attributes of colour and pattern. The children were introduced to the eight planets in our solar system through a relaxing story-song and everyone chose which planet they would like to live on if they were aliens. Then, during a shared maths activity to sketch mysterious alien creatures, the children played ‘Spin the Bottle’ within a circle of numbers, to allocate specific quantities of facial features and limbs, which resulted in a very curious collection of alien life-forms. As is our habit, we sang a topical subtraction song, Five Little Men in a Flying saucer. Finally, in Art and Design, Charlotte and Tamika helped the children to fashion imaginary aliens out of playdough and craft materials (such as googly eyes, straws and pipe cleaners).

It was lovely to welcome daddies on Thursday, for a belated Father’s Day celebration. Each daddy was presented with a very special handmade gift – a wooden key ring - which the children had lovingly fashioned from wood using two of our Forest School Tools: bow saw and drill.

This week’s focus in RE has been upon Mary, Jesus’ mummy.

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