
Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Glen-Roots led Monday's Mission Assembly and told the school about the story of Mary Jones. Mary and her Bible inspired the founding of the British and Foreign Bible Society. She was a Welsh girl who, at the age of 15, walked 26 miles barefoot across the countryside to buy a copy of the Welsh Bible from Thomas Charles because she did not have one. This inspired the Bible Society to form, which is a non-profit organisation devoted to translating, publishing, and distributing the Bible at affordable prices in any language throughout the world. The determination of one person making a big impact in the world was compared to the Parable of the Mustard Seed, in that the determination of a tiny seed could grow to something so great that even the birds can shelter and make their nests in it. Mrs Glen-Roots looked at what Crackley Hall pupils had achieved last week. This included the KS1 Sports Day, receiving Da Vinci awards, performing in assembly, and completing a Phonics test. We reflected on how we are going to build God's kingdom and how we change today? We have the power in our hands, like Mary Jones did, to be determined enough to make a change to achieve the things we want to achieve.






Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Jesus calmed the wind and the sea in the middle of a great storm and told His disciples to have courage and faith. We remember that God is always with us.

Activity Sheet