Welcome to The Chronicle, Crackley Hall School's e-newsletter.

This year has certainly flown by, with just over one week left now until the end of the school year. As you would expect there has been much going on in school so do read on to find out all about it.

Today, our Summer Production has been taking place. We hope you all enjoyed watching your children perform. Our cover photo this week is from the dress rehearsal.

Next week we have Sports Day, Move Up Morning and Nursery Graduation to look forward to.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Foundation Principal's Message

Foundation Principal's Message

As the General Election campaigns gather pace, I want to update you on the actions we have been taking to put our views across to local parliamentary candidates on Labour’s plans to introduce VAT on school fees, and the scenario planning and modelling we are undertaking to mitigate the impact on fee payers should the policy be implemented.

As you will be aware, Labour have included their intention to add VAT to independent schools’ fees in their election manifesto. Much is made of how they plan to spend the money they claim will be raised; however, they give no detail as to the timings and exactly what VAT will be applied to. Of course, this lack of clarity adds to the difficulty of our scenario planning. However, the Trustees, Senior Leadership Teams and I are entirely focused and committed to doing everything we can to support you and your children in the coming months and years.

There is now a small window to potentially influence the debate, sow seeds of doubt and affect the timing and scale of any implementation. By working together, we hope we can encourage a pulling back by the policy makers from the most destructive scenarios. This is something that the Independent Schools Council is doing at a national level, and that we and other independent schools are doing at a regional and local level. As Parliamentary Political Candidates (PPCs) have now been confirmed for all constituencies, we have been in contact with the three main party PPCs for all the constituencies where our families live, emphasising the effect of such a policy on our Foundation schools.

We now ask you to add your voice to ours, by contacting the candidates in your own constituency to put your view across about the policy. It is important that this is not seen as a ‘round robin’ type communication, but personal and authentic to you and your family’s circumstances. It is recommended that you include your address or postcode to any communication so they know you are a local voter, which will prioritise a response.

You may want to include some of the following:

- the reasons why you chose independent education and why the school is important to you and your family;

- the sacrifices you have made to afford this education;

- the special reasons you chose the school, the education matching your faith/values because of special educational needs or pastoral concerns, or to develop your child’s particular talent in sports, music, arts, or drama;

- your worries about what will happen to local state schools if the tax comes in;

- requesting a follow-up and that your concerns be passed to the party’s education team can be an appropriate way to conclude any correspondence.

To help you get your own message across, we have drawn up a list of the local constituencies and contact details for the Parliamentary Political Candidates for the three main parties. This can be found on My School Portal by clicking here and logging in. We notice that the changes to constituency boundaries will have affected a large proportion of our families, so if you would like to check you can use the tool here.

Thank you for your continued support for all our Foundation schools. As soon as we get further information post the election, we will give you further updates. In the meantime, I send you and your families best wishes for the summer – the weather does seem to be on an upward trajectory at last!

Yours sincerely

E D Hester

Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 
We have been delighted to welcome Lileth Evans to the front office this week. Lileth joins us from Warwick Prep School where her role was very similar to the Receptionist role that she is filling here with us. This has helped to ensure that Lileth's first few days have proved almost seamless! Lileth has joined us at the busiest time of the year, and she is coping remarkably well! Please do say hello when you are next in school.  
The rehearsals for the annual production have all come to a climax this week and the performances will be spectacular, I'm sure. The staff and children always work together in quite an extraordinary way to pull all the many aspects together and the level they achieve is always quite incredible. At the time of writing I am very much looking forward to seeing the fruits of so much labour and would like to sincerely thank every single member of the staff team for their contribution. Particular thanks must go, of course, to Mrs Wildey, Mrs Olden and Mrs Paphitis who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the children fulfil their potential. In addition, I know that too many others to mention have contributed, especially Mrs Hardwick, Mrs Holmes, Miss Broadbent and Mrs Clark. Thank you all!  
Mr and Mrs Vaughan are thanked for spending the day on Monday at the ISA Athletics with 7 of our children who competed in the national finals. Casper competed well in the U9 cricket ball throw, coming 7th in a very strong field. Leo ran his 600m well against a very strong, fast field, finishing 13th; Sienna could have qualified for a number of events, but on this occasion, the 150m field had some specialist sprinters who pipped her to the post, coming 7th in the U11 girls 150m. Jessie, Amalie, Grace and Scarlet just missed a medal in the U10 girls relay – having worked so hard on their change-overs. Whilst we were not lucky enough to bring any medals home this time, we are immensely proud of all our athletes for reaching the national finals.  
It is always wonderful to see the young children enjoying the teddy bear's picnic, and we were pleased that the sun actually shone on Wednesday! Thank you to all the staff who prepared for the picnic. 
Our last full week of the academic year is as packed as always with our Key Stage 2 Sports Day, an ISA cricket competition and Music exams all scheduled. Moving Up Day will be on Wednesday, with all the children meeting their teachers for next year and we look forward to welcoming some new pupils into the different years throughout the school.   
I am delighted that Mr Cottrill has been appointed to his first Headship (please refer to my letter of yesterday) and it is a wonderful reason for the whole school community to celebrate his achievement and our school’s role in his career. We have an incredibly strong teaching and whole staff team at Crackley Hall and the Trustees decided that we are in a position to appoint his successor from within. We also congratulate Ms McAloon on her appointment to Deputy Head.  Mrs Glen-Roots, currently one of our Assistant Heads, will take on the important role of pastoral lead and I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to her as well. 
We will formally thank Mr Cottrill at an upcoming assembly, and also extend our thanks to the other members of staff who are leaving, at our Leavers’ Assembly on the last day of term. The staff and school community are putting together a collection for Mr Cottrill, to add to the school’s contribution, to give him something special from all of us. Please do call in at the office as soon as possible if you wish to contribute to the leaving collections we have in the office - the deadline for this is the end of the day on Wednesday 26 June please, to allow us to go shopping! 
I wish you all a very happy and relaxing weekend with your families and hope that your football and cricket teams perform as you would like. Although I am not attending the match, I also have the added interest of following the Springboks as they play Wales at Twickenham this weekend. 
God bless, 

Robert Duigan


Quote Of The Week

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Carl W. Buechner

Important Information

Last Week Of Term

Please note the following events that will be taking place on the last week of term:

Tuesday 2 July

Leavers Mass - 9:00am to 10:00am

Parents of Leavers are invited to attend, further details will be sent out next week.

Prizegiving for Reception to Junior 4 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Parents of prize winners will be invited to attend – further details will be sent out next week.

Prizegiving for Junior 5 and 6 - 5.00pm - 7.00pm

Parents of Junior 5 and 6 will be invited to attend – further details will be sent out next week.

Wednesday 3 July

Junior 6 Leavers' Assembly

Parents of Junior 6 leavers are invited to attend, further details will be sent out next week.

Last Day

The last day of term will be Wednesday 3 July, please note the details for this day:

  • Normal school uniform for all children.
  • The day will finish at normal school time.
  • Aftercare will run as usual, please book in the usual way if required.

Bottle Top Request - Reminder

In light our our sustainability focus, Ms Holmes will be collecting all kinds of bottle tops during the next few terms for a summer project in Trinity 2025.  Please could you collect all your bottle tops and bring them into school as and when you have a bag of them.

Weekly Information

Events - Week Beginning Monday 24 June 2024

Please see detailed below events for week begininng Monday 24 June 2024. 

Please see our SPORT section for fixture information.

Monday 24 June All Day Key Stage 2 Sports Day
Tuesday 25 June All Day LCM Music Exams
  6:00 - 7:00pm New Parents Information Meeting
Wednesday 26 June Morning Moving Up Morning
  10:30 - 12:00pm Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play
  2:00 - 2:30pm Nursery Graduation
Thursday 27 June All Day LCM Music Exams
Friday 28 June 8:35am Whole School Celebration Assembly
  All Day LCM Music Exams



Crackley Amazes With A Super Summer Production

By the time you read this it will be over for another year! We hope you were astounded and amazed by the talents of your children.

Our fantastic summer show was A Hint Of Snow White. It followed the adventures of the evil Queen Malodorous, the talented and ambitious artist ‘Prince-sy’, the joyful Cleanie Jeanie and all of their friends.

Once again the performances took place at the Leamington Spa Centre and saw children from Reception through to Junior 6 tread the boards in a fabulous adaptation of the classic tale.

We took photos at the dress rehearsals and an album of photos will be shared with parents next week.

A huge thank you to our wonderful staff for all their hard work, to parents for their fabulous support in the run up to the performance and most of all to the children. Crackley, as always, you were amazing!

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Foundation News - Rebecca Iley To Take On New Role Of Foundation Head of Business Services

We are delighted to announce that Rebecca Iley has been appointed to the new role of Head of Business Services for The Princethorpe Foundation.

A qualified management accountant and teacher, Rebecca joins us from Activate Learning FE College Group in Banbury, where she has worked for the past ten years, most recently as Director of Business Engagement and Employability. She has also held positions within Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance for ten years.

She impressed the interview panel with the combination of her education and commercial experience and her ability to juggle an extensive work portfolio, alongside her busy family life and volunteering commitments, including being Director of Banbury Chambers of Commerce and Chair of Governors of a local Catholic primary school.

Rebecca is no stranger to the Foundation as her three children attend Princethorpe College in Years 7, 10 and Lower Sixth.

She will take on her new role in October, enabling a handover with Foundation Bursar, Eddie Tolcher, who is retiring in December, although he will continue to support the work of the Foundation.

Ed Hester, Foundation Principal, comments, “We were looking for someone with exceptional personal qualities and abilities, with a wide range of skills, who was aligned with our ethos, and we have found just that in Rebecca.

She came top of a very strong field of shortlisted candidates and the interview panel was unanimous in support of her. We are absolutely delighted that she has agreed to join us, and I am sure she will make a real impact in this new role, which will be instrumental in helping us deliver our strategic plan for the Foundation.”

Comments Rebecca, “I am thrilled to have been offered the role of Head of Business Services. To have the opportunity to be part of an educational Foundation that I truly believe in is both exciting and a great privilege and I look forward to working closely with Ed and the team.”

Foundation News: Princethorpe Welcomes New Assistant Registrar

Princethorpe has a familiar face joining its Admissions Team. OP Georgia Newborough has returned to the College to take on the role of Assistant Registrar. She will be working alongside Catherine Rogers, our Registrar, assisting families who are interested in entry to the College for September 2025 and beyond.

Georgia knows Princethorpe well, having attended the school as a pupil from 2012 to 2019. She went on to study Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of York before spending a year back at Princethorpe working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. Her knowledge and experience of the school, from both sides of the fence, positions her ideally to advise prospective families with children looking to join the school.

She starts her Admissions journey welcoming and supporting pupils new to Princethorpe when they visit us next week for their Induction Day. She will then be working alongside Catherine as the Admissions team prepares for the new school year and their next big Open Event, which takes place on Sunday 15 September 2024 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.

You can get in touch with Admissions by email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk or call 01926 634201/297 and they will be happy to help you.

A Hint of Snow White Programme Competition

Many congratulations to the winner of our Summer Production programme design competition. 

  • Isla McVoy

The programme also featured the designs of the competition runners up:

  • Sara Alvis
  • Joshua Burley
  • Elizabeth Edkins

We know you will have all enjoyed seeing their amazing artwork on the programmes at the performances.

It was fantastic to have so many entries. A huge well done to them all.

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Charlie Raises Money For UNICEF

Charlie wanted to help raise some money for UNICEF UK after watching some of the Soccer Aid football match last weekend and learning how you could help children in third-world countries. He asked if he could hold a cake sale outside his house at the weekend to help raise some money. Along with his friend and siblings he raised an amazing £210.20 in total.

They had a fabulous morning and Harrison from J5L was their first customer!

Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week in RE Junior 6 have been learning about the story of Saint Paul. We traced the journeys of this incredible figure as he made three missionary journeys to spread the Christian message to non-Jewish communities, including Cyprus, Judea and Syria. The children were tasked with researching one of the journeys of Saint Paul, finding out as many fascinating facts as possible and putting them into an extended piece of writing about how the impact of Saint Paul can still be felt today. The children worked hard in this task, and we were so impressed with their ability to independently research using reliable sources. Next lesson we will be looking at Saint Paul, and in particular how heads of the Catholic church are a direct spiritual link to the original Apostles. Keep up the hard work, Junior 6!


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Junior 5

Junior 5 have enjoyed learning cricket this term and have all made excellent progress. This was perfectly demonstrated at their most recent fixture versus King Henry’s, where their excellent attitude helped to contribute towards a brilliant performance. In the boys' fixture, Josh even achieved a hat trick, which happened to be the second hat trick of the season, after Charlie T also achieved this feat with his first ever three balls for Crackley Hall! Well done to all of Junior 5 for working so hard to improve their cricketing skills. We don’t like cricket at Crackley Hall, we love it!

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Junior 4

This week, Junior 4 continued with their engineering adventure. They continued their task to construct, design and build towers using simple materials such as paper, newspaper, and masking tape. The challenge was to see who could build the tallest tower that could stand independently and be structurally sound enough to stay standing during our earthquake test. This hands-on activity not only fostered creativity and problem-solving skills, but also instilled a deeper appreciation for the principles of structural engineering. Well done, Junior 4!

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Junior 3

This week, Junior 3 have been perfecting their finance skills as we tackle the exciting topic of ‘money’ in mathematics. Having reviewed what is meant by the word ‘currency’, we were amazed by how many different currencies we could name from all our travels. We then explored lots of different ways to make totals, using a range of coins and notes. It was fascinating to see all the different combinations we could come up with, and we got onto some super problem-solving challenges too. Your money is in safe hands with Junior 3.

We have also been becoming ‘experts’ at everything to do with Kapok trees, as we researched some truly fascinating facts about the tree that inspired our core text for this half-term. Do you know what a Kapok tree is? Do you know how tall and wide they can grow, or how many different uses there are for the different parts of the tree, or even how they are pollinated? Junior 3 does; just ask us! We have been using all these incredible facts to begin putting together impressive information pages about the tree in our digital learning portfolios. We are looking forward to next week when we will write our persuasive letters convincing tree cutters that cutting down Kapok trees is a terrible idea. Trees give us so much, and we are greatly looking forward to donning our tree costumes for the Summer Show on Friday to prove it! See you there.


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Junior 2

Junior 2 have had a delightful week, as they immersed themselves in rehearsals for their end-of-year show. Despite the excitement and preparations, the children remained diligent, working hard in between rehearsals. In History lessons, the students delved into the remarkable influence Florence Nightingale had on our hospitals and how her legacy resonates in our lives today. That didn't stop their anticipation mounting as their performance date drew nearer. On Friday morning, everyone was brimming with excitement and gave the audience an incredible performance. Congratulations, Junior 2, on yet another busy and productive week!

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Junior 1

It was show week this week and in amongst rehearsals and putting on an amazing show for our families and friends, Junior 1 still had time to work their socks off. They covered the tricky topic of turns, positions and directions in Maths, using language such as clockwise, anti-clockwise, left, right, forwards and backwards to help. In English, they developed their rhyming skills by matching two parts of a sentence to make rhymes that then became a brand new rhyming poem. Science and Geography both had the theme of how to stay safe in the sun. Using the ‘Slip, Slop, Slap’ song, it helped them to remember ways in which we can protect ourselves from getting burnt, in light of the weather is getting warmer and the summer holidays are nearly here!

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Show week has been so much fun in Reception! We are so proud of how well our children behaved and managed the change in routine, the journeys on the bus, getting used to the theatre and performing for such a large audience. We have had so much fun preparing for this, and I know how excited the children have been to show you what they have been practising - and we hope you enjoyed the performance too! Alongside all the excitement, we have still been busy, working on our writing and phonics, as well as cementing our knowledge of numbers.


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Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Glen-Roots led Monday's Mission Assembly and told the school about the story of Mary Jones. Mary and her Bible inspired the founding of the British and Foreign Bible Society. She was a Welsh girl who, at the age of 15, walked 26 miles barefoot across the countryside to buy a copy of the Welsh Bible from Thomas Charles because she did not have one. This inspired the Bible Society to form, which is a non-profit organisation devoted to translating, publishing, and distributing the Bible at affordable prices in any language throughout the world. The determination of one person making a big impact in the world was compared to the Parable of the Mustard Seed, in that the determination of a tiny seed could grow to something so great that even the birds can shelter and make their nests in it. Mrs Glen-Roots looked at what Crackley Hall pupils had achieved last week. This included the KS1 Sports Day, receiving Da Vinci awards, performing in assembly, and completing a Phonics test. We reflected on how we are going to build God's kingdom and how we change today? We have the power in our hands, like Mary Jones did, to be determined enough to make a change to achieve the things we want to achieve.






Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Jesus calmed the wind and the sea in the middle of a great storm and told His disciples to have courage and faith. We remember that God is always with us.

Activity Sheet 






Sports Fixtures & Events - Week Beginning Monday 24 June 2024

Please remember to check team sheets and find further fixture information on www.crackleyhallsport.co.uk or on SOCS.

Please can we remind all parents that whilst sports fixture information, once published, usually remains the same, parents should check www.crackleyhallsport.co.uk or SOCS on the day of the fixture for the most up to date information.

Monday 24 June    
Tuesday 25 June All Day ISA U9 Midlands Kwik Cricket (A)
Wednesday 26 June 2:30 U10A Girls Cricket v Bilton Grange (H)
  2:30  U10B Girls Cricket v Bilton Grange (H) 
Thursday 27 June    
Friday 28 June    


Little Crackers

Stay 'n' Play Teddy Bears' Picnic

What a wonderful morning Wednesday was for a Teddy Bears' Picnic! The sun was shining to welcome Stay 'n' Play families to the last session before the Summer break. Little ones enjoyed an outdoor picnic with crafts, followed by parachute games and songs to finish.

Stay 'n' Play returns in the Autumn on Wednesday 11 September for another exciting term of activities and special events. Keep an eye out on our social media pages for news and updates.

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Pre-School Moving Up Morning

On Wednesday 26 June, all children are involved in Moving Up morning, where they will spend time with their new teachers for September. Pre-schoolers attending Nursery that day, will be taken through to the Reception classroom at the appropriate time. If your child does not attend Nursery on a Wednesday, please bring them to school at 10.20am and park in the lower playground, before coming into the school via The Gables entrance.

For collecting at 11.30am, please use this same entrance.

Any questions, please speak to out Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan.


Nursery Graduation - Badgers Only

Wednesday 26 June - 2.00p to 2.30pm

Our Nursery Graduation Ceremony, for all the Badgers, will take place on Wednesday 26 June from 2.00pm to 2.30pm.

If your child does not normally come into nursery on a Wednesday afternoon, please bring them to the main school entrance at 1.45pm and ring the nursery number on the door - 01926 514456. A member of staff will come out to collect your child. As a school we are trying to keep the footfall and noise to a minimum in the reception area, so please wait pateintly in the porch. 

We hope to hold the Graduation ceremony outside on the Gables lawn, so please wait outside when you arrive and park either on the field or courteously on the surrounding roads. We ask that only two adults attend please.

You are more than welcome to take your child home after the ceremony to stop any upset when you leave.

Please email the Nursery Manager, Emma Birch, if you are unable to attend EmmaBirch@crackleyhall.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you all there.

New Parents Meeting For Reception 2024

We are looking forward to seeing parents at the New Parents' Meeting for Reception 2024, on Tuesday 25 June 6.00pm to 7.00pm. The Reception team will all be present and the meeting will be hosted by Mrs Glen-Roots, Assistant Head - Early Years and KS1. You will be given some important information and guidance about how to help your child have the best start to their school journey.

If you are not able to attend, please let our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan, know beforehand so she can send you the information that will be shared at the event.

Nursery Celebrates Father's Day

We celebrated Father’s Day at Little Crackers Nursery yesterday and were overjoyed to be joined by 38 Dads and 3 Grandads. Our Badgers and Hedgehogs children entertained everyone with two uplifting songs and we all enjoyed eating some yummy cookies they had made. There were some fun activites to do together, including making a picture frame from lolly sticks, solving puzzles, chalking on the board, shared stories, biscuit decorating, sticking and lots of building activities.

Everyone had such fun, and everyone left with smiles on their faces!

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A Week In Nursery

Badgers and Hedgehogs have spent the week spinning through Space and rocketing round the Solar System, amongst aliens of every shape and size.

Our Literacy book for the week was Aliens Love Underpants which made the children giggle, so we ran with the theme and matched underwear for the dual attributes of colour and pattern. The children were introduced to the eight planets in our solar system through a relaxing story-song and everyone chose which planet they would like to live on if they were aliens. Then, during a shared maths activity to sketch mysterious alien creatures, the children played ‘Spin the Bottle’ within a circle of numbers, to allocate specific quantities of facial features and limbs, which resulted in a very curious collection of alien life-forms. As is our habit, we sang a topical subtraction song, Five Little Men in a Flying saucer. Finally, in Art and Design, Charlotte and Tamika helped the children to fashion imaginary aliens out of playdough and craft materials (such as googly eyes, straws and pipe cleaners).

It was lovely to welcome daddies on Thursday, for a belated Father’s Day celebration. Each daddy was presented with a very special handmade gift – a wooden key ring - which the children had lovingly fashioned from wood using two of our Forest School Tools: bow saw and drill.

This week’s focus in RE has been upon Mary, Jesus’ mummy.

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Message From PTA

Huge Fun at the Colour Run

We held our Colour Run on 7 June and we all had an absolute ball . . . well potentially with the exception of the fearless Mr Cottrill, who bravely weathered an onslaught of orange slime and copious amounts of colour run powder in the first ever Crackley Hall teacher gunging!

Powder was flying, children were running and jumping and laughing their way over, under and through the slip and slide, tunnels, tyres and rainbow noodles all the way to the technicolour finish to receive their well earned medals.  Many parents noted how lovely the atmosphere was and how much fun the children had with a busy bar selling refreshments on hand too. 

A huge warm Crackley thank you to every single person who volunteered their time to organise and run things on the day - we simply couldn't put on these enjoyable events without you.  Congratulations to all of our Colour runners, we're so glad you had a ton of fun!

Other updates for the Chronicle:

200 Club

Last chance to buy tickets for this half termly draw and the end of year Super Draw for £200!  Only £5 a ticket.  Please click on the link to enter and support your school in a few clicks:


Pre-Loved Uniform

Date for your diaries: our next in-person pre-loved uniform sale is Friday 28 June from 8:20am to 10:00am at The Gables. 

If you have any sports kit that your child has grown out of please do donate as we have several requests for good quality sportswear. Many thanks as ever for your support, we couldn't offer you this service without your kind donations.


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Music And Singing Lessons

If your child is interested in taking music or singing lessons at school, please complete the below Expression of Interest Form and hand in to the school office

Expression of Interest Form

Aftercare Booking Information

Due to club and activity changes, permanent Aftercare bookings are only valid for the current term. 

If you require either permanent or occasional Aftercare for the Trinity Term, please make a booking by emailing:

aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk or receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

If you need to make a same-day Aftercare booking - please ensure you contact the school office no later than 1:00 pm that day. Any requests made after 1:00 pm will only be authorised at the Headmaster's discretion.

If you have booked an Aftercare session, letting your child know would also be helpful.

Any children not collected from the carline, for example, if parents are stuck in traffic, will be taken to Aftercare at 4:15 pm, when carline finishes and charged accordingly.

Aftercare runs from 3:15 pm until 6:00 pm, with charges being £5.00 per hour or part thereof.

Childcare vouchers can be used as payment or part payment for Aftercare.

The school office closes at 5:00 pm, please call Aftercare directly on 07543 164 779 for collection. 

Menus For The Trinity Term 2024

Please see the attached menus for the Trinity Term. These rotate on a four weekly basis.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


School Contact Information And Links

Crackley Hall School Office
01926 514 444
Email: post@crackleyhall.co.uk
Postal address: St Joseph's Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2FT

Office Manager/Headmaster’s Personal Assistant – Anna Bond
01926 514 444
Email: receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

Little Crackers Nursery; Nursery Manager - Emma Birch
01926 514 456 - Email: post@littlecrackers.co.uk

After Care - David Johnson, Aftercare Manager
Collection contact no; 07543 164 779
Email: aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk

Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634 273
Email: georginamalin@princethorpe.co.uk

Registrar - Jenny Vaughan
01926 514 410
Email: admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk 
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634 200
Email: post@princethorpe.co.uk
website: www.crackleyhall.co.uk
X: @CrackleyHallSch  
facebook: @crackleyhallandlittlecrackersofficial

School Medication

For children who require any medication periodically or on a permanent basis, the Office will require a completed Administration of Medication Form. A copy is attached for your convenience. 

Administration of Medication Form

Please ensure that any medication brought into school is in date and labelled with your child's name and form.

Please hand medication into the School Office, please do not give to your child to hand in. 





School Drop Off And Collection Arrangements

When dropping off in the morning, if you are using carline, please move round the roundabout before dropping off and do not leave your car unattended. Carline can cause traffic issues on the Kenilworth Road, so please be mindful.

If you are dropping off and wish to walk your child up to the school or are coming into school please use the Lower Playground or the Sports Field. Please remember to park considerately as parking is at a premium.

We would ask that if you use the Lower Playground at morning drop off, that you leave the school site promptly, as parking is at a premium, and it has been causing traffic congestion.

Please do not park on the Grasscrete Parking area or on the left hand side when you enter the school main carline, as these are both staff parking areas.

Where possible, please avoid parking on the local residential roads, and if you do, please park considerately and legally. 

When collecting in the evening, please adhere to the collection times, as if you arrive too early, this causes traffic congestion. If you are early, we would suggest parking on the Sports Field and walking up to school.

If you are unsure or wish to clarify any points, please call the School Office.

Please see below the carline locations and collections for the Michaelmas Term:

Reception Lower Playground 3:15
Junior 1 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:15
Junior 2 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:35
Junior 3 Lower Playground 3:40
Junior 4 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:45
Junior 5 Lower Playground 3:55
Junior 6 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 4:05

Please see below collection locations for after games lessons (but not clubs):

Junior 3 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40
Junior 3 Boys Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40
Junior 4 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 3:45
Junior 4 Boys Sports Field 3:45
Junior 5 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:55
Junior 5 Boys Sports Field 3:45
Junior 6 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 4:05
Junior 6 Boys Sports Field 3:45

Lost And Found Property

Please ensure that all items of school uniform, equipment and sports kit are named.

Could you please regularly check all uniform and sports kits at home and if it does not belong to your child, please return the items to the School Office as soon as possible.

There is a large amount of non uniform items in lost property, as well as the usual uniform items. 

All lost property will be put outside the Gables for the next two weeks, until Friday 28 June.

At the end of term, all unclaimed uniform items will be donated to the PTA or Charity.







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Foundation Job Vacancies

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Current vacancies include:

Princethorpe College

  • Sports Coach Hockey
  • Sports Coach Rugby
  • Minibus Driver

Further information and application forms on all roles are available on the Foundation's website - www.princethorpe.co.uk/join-us