Little Crackers

In Nursery This Week

The Dormice children have started exploring their own ‘imaginary worlds’. Each week they will have opportunities to develop skills, enjoy role play, create models, make crafts, and play in the outdoor area allowing all the children to have fun with their own ideas.

Badgers and Hedgehogs have spent ‘Superhero Week' saving the universe from every passing villain!

They chose superhero names for themselves; made masks to conceal their true identity; thought of adjectives to describe what makes a good superhero; and recorded their favourite superhero characters when we compiled a comparative bar chart during Maths. They have sung along with gusto to our hero-themed action songs and let their imaginations run riot during our action movies outside, where they planned simple conflict/resolution storylines, scaffolded by sequential prompts such as ‘first, next, then, after, and finally’. They also enjoyed playing ‘Guess the Superhero’ by taking turns to mime a particular character using iconic action cues.

We could certainly have done with a superhero to guard our vegetable patch over half term! To our collective dismay, the local fauna and insect-life seem to have taken advantage of the quieter period, to tuck into a veritable feast of plant and flowers, which has sadly depleted our produce. Never mind - we can hardly blame them because everything did look extremely tasty!

During Forest School, the children were introduced to their third woodworking tool, as they learned to hammer nails safely, which hones hand-to-eye coordination and encourages them to experiment with how much force to apply. They experimented to test out whether it was easier to hammer in a large nail or a smaller nail. I was delighted with how many children automatically adopted the ‘stable tools stance’ on one knee, without any prompt from me – they had retained and applied this from our previous bow saw safety talks.

RE sessions have been all about Weddings. The curiosity cube was filled with photographs of key elements of wedding celebrations and staff kindly brought in their own wedding portrait photos – it made the children smile to see us all as young married couples! We held our own mini wedding ceremonies using two big golden rings and promised to love and to take good care of each other. The children absolutely loved acting out this important celebration.

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Nursery Important Dates - Reminder

We would like to remind Nursery parents of two important dates coming up:

  • Thursday 13 June - Nursery Sports Morning - 9.30am to 10.00am
  • Wednesday 26 June - Nursery Graduation (Badgers only) - 2.00pm to 2.30pm

More details will follow shorly via email, so for now please save the dates in your diaries.

Stay 'n' Play Learn French!

Our Stay 'n' Players were treated to a multi-sensory French session this week, where things kept disappearing!

First, they hid animal puppets to practise ‘bonjour’ and ‘au revoir’. They had fun at the lake with three little ducklings who got lost, but appeared again in time for the parachute game. They listened to a story about a fish who lost his Mum and met several sea creatures on the way to find her again. Finally, they all enjoyed popping bubbles …1,2,3 ploc!

A Bientôt les petits!

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