
Monday Mission Assembly

Ms McAloon led the Monday Mission Assembly and talked about the Feast of Pentecost, which is celebrated 50 days after Easter and commemorates the gift of the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples. Ms McAloon asked pupils how the disciples heard that the Holy Spirit had arrived? Answers ranged from hearing a rush of wind, to tongues of fire appearing above the disciples' heads - this was the promise which Jesus kept of sending the gift of the Holy Spirit to help His disciples spread the message of Jesus throughout the world. Ms McAloon compared the Holy Spirit to the wind or your breath. She explained that we cannot see the wind, but we can feel how powerful and strong it can be and we can see the effects of the Holy Spirit at work within us when we are kind to our family and friends; when we think about other people around the world and when we work together with people who need our help.  Ms McAloon linked the Hedbrew word 'Ruach' - which means wind, breath, mind and spirit - to how everyone can be breathing God's spirit every day in their lives which enables us to think of other people as we love, learn and grow with the Holy Spirit as our guide.


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Weekly Mission

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Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Year B)
We reflect on a very special meal Jesus shared with his friends, which we remember every time we go to Mass.

Activity Sheet