Welcome to The Chronicle, Crackley Hall School's e-newsletter.

It has been another busy week in school with plenty of work, sport and trips. Junior 5 have very much enjoyed their residential, our cover photo is of them all ready for raft building.

There was much excitement mid-week when thanks to the PTA we held our first ever Quidditch Day.

Do read on to find out what else has been happening in school this week.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

We were pleased to have our opening Mass of the term on Tuesday as we were able to also celebrate St George's Day in an appropriate way. Mass was so ably led by our Junior 3 children – well done and thank you to them. Thank you, also, to Father Kevin for celebrating Mass and to the staff, including Mrs Olden, Mrs Forino, Mrs Simmonds, Mrs Van Zyl, Mrs Wildey, Mrs Wheatley, Miss Farquharson and Mrs Ambrose.

Our Junior 5 children left for their PGL residential trip on Tuesday morning. I understand that they have had a fabulous time trying new things including raft building, archery, the zip wire and a trapeze! I would like to thank Mrs Lammas, Mrs McAloon, Mr Stedeford and Miss Broadbent for taking them all.

Mr Vaughan and our U9 tag rugby team had an excellent day at the ISA tournament on Tuesday and they returned having come third! As always, the children tried their best and were a credit to the school.

We are always delighted to welcome prospective families to Crackley to look around the school and learn about what we offer, with a view to their children starting with us at some stage in the future. Our next Open Evening is scheduled for Thursday 9 May, between 5.00pm and 7.00pm. Places at the event can be booked via our website: The Princethorpe Foundation - Crackley Hall Open Evening Registration Form, so please do spread the word with any friends and family who might be interested.

A 'first' this week for me, and something that I have never heard of in any school, was to read of an incident that occurred in the playground where a child 'collided with the golden snitch' (they were fine!). The Quidditch Day, arranged by the PTA for the children, was a huge success and it was wonderful to see the children picking up the rules of a new game so quickly. Some teachers have now been trained in how to run quidditch matches and we hope to be able to introduce this exciting new sport to our house competition calendar next year.

Some of you will now know that Mrs Devine, our wonderful school receptionist, will be leaving us next Friday, 3 May. Mrs Devine has been a highly valued member of the Crackley staff team: she embodies the spirit and ethos of the school with her unfailing kindness and hardworking nature. We will miss Mrs Devine and wish her all the very best in her new role, back in the ‘business world’.

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week: Nursery – Jeea; Reception – Darcey and Edward; J1 – Orla and Sebastian; J2 – Jovan and Cole; J3 – Jai and Charlie; J4 – George and Gabriella; J6 – Sara and Finley. I am hoping to present Hannah (Nursery) and J5 (who were at PGL) with their certificates next week.  Well done to all those pupils who received their Crackley Compass awards and their Da Vincis this week – it is always lovely to be able to recognise excellence and effort.

Thank you to everyone who made today’s assembly so special for me. I was genuinely looking to sneak through today as quietly as possible. However, I felt most humbled and am very appreciative of the thought, time and effort that went into the planning. The singing from all the pupils was excellent, as was Mr Pike’s and Mrs Olden’s playing of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. Thank you to all the pupils and staff for the lovely card and the wonderful singing. Thank you to the staff for the gift and also to Mrs Duigan for the thought and love that went into planning this morning.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and restful weekend with family and friends.

God bless,

Robert Duigan







Quote Of The Week

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." - Helen Keller

Important Information

Term Dates For The 2025-26 Academic Year

Please see the link below for the Term Dates for the 2025-26 Academic Year.

Click here

Guidelines For Parents At Sports Fixtures

Parents are welcome to attend both home and away fixtures. Sport is an integral and pivotal aspect of Crackley Hall life and we want everyone to enjoy engaging in it, whether as a performer, spectator, official, at home or away. Our aim is to provide an environment that is nutruring, positive and welcoming to all.

This is a polite reminder to all parents of the expectations when supporting children’s fixtures, to ensure that all children enjoy and feel confident in representing the school.

Please always abide by these simple guidelines to help ensure that those around you do so too:

  • encourage all players with positive language and suppport;
  • respect the boundaries of the playing area for players and match officials;
  • spectators deemed to be disruptive during a match may be politely asked to leave for the duration of that fixture.

Thank you for your support.

Summer Show - A Request For Help!

Preparations for the Summer Show are well underway, and Mrs Wildey and her team would be delighted to hear from any parents who could help with providing the following:

Large MDF templates

Lots of large flat cardboard ie giant TV screen boxes

A very large cardboard box ie at least the size of a large picnic bench/large trestle table

Please email: nicolawildey@crackleyhall.co.uk if you think you may be able to help. 

Many thanks

Weekly Information

Events - Week Beginning Monday 29 April 2024

Please see detailed below events for week begininng Monday 29 April 2024. 

Please see our SPORT section for fixture information.

Monday 29 April   All Day World Dance Day Workshops
Tuesday 30 April All Day  Junior 5 Taster Day at Princethorpe College
Wednesday 01 May All Day Nuneaton Festival 
  All Day ISFA Girls Football Junior 5 & 6
  10:30 - 12:00 Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play
  11:00 - 12:30 Junior 3 & 4 Swimming
Thursday 02 May    
Friday 03 May All day Junior 3 Greek Day
  08:40 Key Stage 2 Assembly


Food Bank Donation Request - Junior 2 - Reminder

Wednesday 1 May

As we continue to support those less fortunate than us, we are asking pupils in Junior 2 to donate items for our local foodbank. Please can pupils bring in any of the items on the below list by Wednesday 1 May. The donations will be collected the following day.

Thank you in advance of your support. 

The J2 Team 

  • Long life milk
  • Long life fruit juice
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Instant mash
  • Instant noodles
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Tinned fruit
  • Tomato sauce/brown sauce
  • Shower gel
  • Toilet rolls
  • Deodorant
  • Washing up liquid


Success For Crackley Hall At Nuneaton’s Festival Of Arts

Crackley Hall School is celebrating after achieving excellent results at the 2024 Nuneaton Festival of Arts. 11 pupils travelled to the Abbey Theatre in Nuneaton on Wednesday 1 May to compete in Speech and Drama classes. They faced tough competition from local drama schools and performing arts specialist, Pattison College.

Crackley Hall’s Choral Speaking Club competed in the Junior Schools section of the competition. They were awarded an 'Honours' for their exemplary work with The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf and The Day I Put My Finger Up my Nose. They did so well that they just missed out on the top spot by one single point.

Pupils’ individual performances were excellent too. The children came away with three trophies for first place, congratulations to Sloane, Ted and Darcy, two for second place, after a super effort from Edward and Felix and Sukhmani, and two for third place, well done to Molly and Alexa.

Drama teacher, Nicki Wildey, was delighted, commenting, “We are so proud of the children’s commitment to Performance Poetry. They gained invaluable experience of speaking on stage in a competitive environment and came away with a great sense of achievement and pride. They have made us, their parents and the whole school very proud.”

Well done Crackley, you've smashed it again!


Crackley's Honorary Hogwarts Students Enjoy A Fabulous Quidditch Day

Pupils at Crackley Hall School enjoyed a magical Quidditch Day on Wednesday 24 April when the youngsters became honorary Hogwarts students and learned to play the fast and exciting game made popular in the Harry Potter series.

Quidditch is an upcoming sport that is a mixture of Handball, Dodgeball, Tag-Rugby and Football. Crackley Hall’s Quidditch Day was funded by the PTA and facilitated by Ben and Owen from Enrich Education.

The day began with an assembly where the school’s House Captains were sorted into their Harry Potter houses – Jupiter was Ravenclaw, Venus was Slytherin, Saturn was Hufflepuff and Mars was Gryffindor. Pupils then took part in training sessions in their year groups. They picked up the rules quickly, first practising using the ‘Quaffle’ and ‘Bludger’ in drills before moving on to play mini-games. The object of the game was to score more points than the opposition by throwing the ‘Quaffle’ through three hoops at either end of the pitch and all before the ‘Golden Snitch’, or in our case the 'Golden Teacher', was caught.

The event was rounded off with an awards ceremony where the best Beater (J4A Nieve H), Chaser (J4A Jess G), Keeper (J6V Seb R) and Golden Snitch (Miss Eve) were presented with certificates before the overall winning House was announced. Congratulations go to Slytherin (Venus) who scored the most points across the day and were presented with the Quidditch Cup.

Crackley Hall School’s Quidditch Day was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part. At the end of the day a number of staff received training on the sport and the plan is to now run a regular Quidditch House event. Quidditch proved to be fast and physical and was popular with pupils and staff alike.

We hope you enjoy this short video of photos and clips from the day.

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Crackley Take Bronze At The ISA U9 Tag Rugby Tournament

Crackley took a team of Junior 4s to the ISA U9 Tag Rugby Tournament at Stafford Grammar on Tuesday 23 April.

Taking part were 13 teams from across the Midlands. Crackley’s squad put on a great show and were delighted to come home with the Bronze medal.

The players made a good start, winning every one of their group games to earn a place in the quarter finals. They won that match in overtime to progress to the semis where despite showing excellent tagging and support play, they just lost out by one try. A determined team went into the Bronze medal match which they won comfortably.

There was lots of learning for the young squad to take away. Well done team Crackley you showed great promise and should be proud of yourselves!

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Crackley Hall’s Junior Schools Cross Country Challenge

Crackley Hall was excited to welcome Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from local Kenilworth primary schools on Friday 19 April for a Junior Schools' cross-country challenge. The event took place out on a breezy but sunny sports field at Crackley Hall School.

The children were all keen to compete and ran with plenty of energy and enthusiasm, demonstrating determination and perseverance as they wound their way round the course and over the obstacles.

The Year 5 girls’ race was the first to get going and it was a close matched affair. Park Hill Juniors took overall first place, but Crackley Hall’s girls ran a strong race to finish in second place. Lexi-Jean was first home for Crackley just missing a medal after finishing in fourth place.

The Year 5 boys were next, with pupils giving their all and showing fabulous team spirit. Leo was second across the line to take the individual Silver medal. Priors Field took team first place with Crackley Hall’s boys claiming team second place.

The Year 6 girls showed grit and determination. Fantastic running from Eloise saw her finish second overall, to also claim a Silver medal helping the Crackley Hall Girls team claim another team second place.

Finally in the Year 6 boys’ race the runners set off at a fast pace. Patrick ran hard to keep up with the leaders and his perseverance helped him claim an individual Bronze medal after finishing in third place overall.

The individual races were followed by the Relay Race, where teams of four competitors ran a shorter course. Congratulations go to the Saturn House team (Sienna, Amy, Issy and Scarlett) who won the Girls Relay Race and to Crackley Hall’s Boys team (Ryan, Josh, Harry and Alex) who claimed victory in the Boys Relay Race.

There were fantastic performances by all of Crackley's pupils of which we are very proud, not only whilst running but also for their support of one another cheering and encouraging all the runners along.

Many thanks to Princethorpe’s young sports leaders who supported the event and especially to Lower Sixth Former, Ben, who ran as the hare in all five races!

It was a super afternoon of community cross country fun.

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Mass Celebrates St George

Father Kevin celebrated Mass at Crackley Hall on Tuesday this week to acknowledge the legacy of St George, who we remembered for his courage, endurance and sacrifice. The intention of the mass was for Mr Duigan's birthday and his family. Former teachers Mrs Snape and Mrs Flynn were also remembered and prayed for as they had recently passed away.

The mass was led by Junior 3 and mention was made of how St George, who came to England from Palestine, stood firm in his belief for what was right and turned away from things which were wrong. We reflected how this was related to us and how we could choose to go with God, rather than against Him.

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World Dance Day Workshop - Monday 29 April

Monday 29 April

Monday 29 April is World Dance Day – Miss Jazz (from Move it Shake it) has kindly offered to facilitate a complimentary 30 minute workshop for each class from Nursery through to Junior 6.



Nuneaton Festival Of Arts - Speech & Drama Competition

Wednesday 1 May

Next Wednesday, pupils from across Junior 3, 4, 5 and 6 will once again compete at the Nuneaton Festival of Arts, which is a vibrant celebration of various artistic disciplines, including performing arts, visual arts, and creative arts.

Please join us in wishing our pupils the the very best of luck!

Little Crackers Nursery and Crackley Hall School Open Evening

Thursday 9 May 2024, 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Please share news of our Open Evening for prospective pupils.

Prospective pupils and their parents are warmly invited to Crackley Hall and Little Crackers Open Evening on Thursday 9 May 2024 from 5.00pm.

Come and find out more about what a Crackley education can do for your child. This is a great opportunity for prospective families to get a feel for the school and to meet Mr Duigan, Headmaster, and speak to key members of staff.

All are welcome, to book your place click here.

For more information on admission to Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery please email admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk or call 01926 514410 and speak to our Registrar, Jenny Vaughan.

Registration is now open for September 2025.

An Invitation - Afternoon Cream Tea For Parishioners & Grandparents

Tuesday 21 May - 1:45pm to 3:00pm

Crackley Hall School’s Mini Vinnies would like to invite Grandparents and Housebound Parishioners to their Afternoon Cream Tea on Tuesday 21 May between 1:45 and 3:00pm. 

Please contact the school office to book a place - by calling 01926 514444 or email receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

Awards and Celebrations

Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery Hannah
Nursery Jeea
Reception M Darcey
Reception O Edward
J1G Orla
J1H Sebastian
J2B Cole
J2R Jovan
J3V Jai
J3W Charlie 
J4A George
J4R Gabriella
J6H Sara
J6V Finley

Congratulations to them all!

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Celebration Assembly - Friday 26 April

In Celebration Assembly this morning we celebrated, as always, the birthdays in our community, including an extra special big birthday this week for our much loved headmaster, Mr Duigan. We sang Happy Birthday to Mr Duigan and on behalf of the school Mrs Glen-Roots presented him with gifts and a beautiful booklet containing messages and drawings from every pupil and member of staff in school. We hope you enjoy your birthday Mr Duigan! 

Celebration Assembly, also included news of the childrens' successes and achievements and special performances by pupils, including a sensational slot by our amazing Chamber Choir and Choral Group who had specially rehearsed Shosholoza - a Nguni South African song, Ndebele, a traditional south African folk song, Weeping, a South African pop song recorded in 1987 which uses its chorus from the refrain Zulu anthem (God Bless Africa). The assembly concluded with The World in Union, the theme song from the Rugby World Cup, and the iconic Liverpool song, You'll Never Walk Alone.

Here are some photos from this morning.

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Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week in Art, Junior 6 are continuing their exploration into Pop Art. Looking at the work of acclaimed artist Andy Warhol, the children investigated how they could make a simple drawing of a piece of fruit bold and eye-catching. Once they chose their fruit, they started to create their pop art interpretations from it using pen and paint. We had purple bananas, pink kiwis and even orange apples! It’s so fantastic to see the children use their imagination and creativity to fully express themselves. Well done Junior 6, we can’t wait to see your finished works of art!

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Junior 5

This week, Junior 5 have had a fantastic time on their residential trip to PGL, Boreatton Park. The children have been learning new skills through a range of different activities: archery, giant swing, abseiling and more. They have also been demonstrating their teamworking skills in orienteering, raft building and Jacob’s ladder. They had to work together to achieve their objective, whether that be creating a raft that floats on the lake, reaching the top or finding different things around the park. As well as their activity packed days, the children have had enjoyable evenings playing Cluedo, disco dancing and of course experiencing a traditional campfire. Overall, the children have had an amazing experience. 

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Junior 4

Junior 4R have been exploring storms in music this week.  They listened to a piece of music called Storm by Benjamin Britten, written in 1945 and which forms part of a musical interlude from an opera called Peter Grimes about a struggling and lonely fisherman.  They created the drama of the music through the pictures they were drawing. They listened to all the brass instruments, paying particular attention to the dynamics of the music, beginning with the powerful and loud fortissimo, whilst ending with the very soft dynamic of the piantissimo, and they talked about their feelings through sound of being terrified on the sea. We also did a rehearsal with the whole year group for our upcoming Summer show.




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Junior 3

Junior 3 are really getting to grips with their new Science topic on plants. Following on from our understanding of the different parts of the plant, we have now looked closely at the parts of a flower. In our Science lesson we completed a ‘daffodil dissection’ and identified each part as we carefully dissected. In pairs, we were able to name and label all these parts and also to explain their functions. We were amazed to discover that one part of the plant has the same name as part of the female anatomy. We are now really looking forward to finding out more about pollination and how these parts of the flower each help to make more plants. Let’s hope there is some sunshine soon and we will see more flowers blossoming all around us too.

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Junior 2

Junior 2 have been exploring the Tin Forest, a tale that follows a solitary man who, amidst a desolate landscape of urban decay in discarded scraps of metal, transforms his surroundings into a place where he finds solace and creativity. Through his boundless imagination he turns his environment into a beautiful, lush, and vibrant forest made of tin.

As the man’s forest thrives so does his spirits; this is exactly how we have felt as we have compared, sequenced, and created our very own tin objects to create a little forest of our very own. The message has been clear, through resilience and hope, we can all create magic and bring joy to others.

During PE we were learning how to improve our hand eye coordination. Mr Vaughan has shown us how we can catch a ball and roll it with a boxed barrier.

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Junior 1

Junior 1 have shown such enthusiasm in our Maths lessons this week and there has been a wonderful buzz in the classrooms. Everyone had lots of opportunity to investigate with different manipulatives to make arrays and doubles, and to finally share them equally into groups. We saw some fabulous, practical work individually and in pairs which really brought our Maths alive. Our English lessons gave us the opportunity to practise our knowledge of adjectives when we wrote sentences from the story of Handa’s Surprise which described the fruit in Handa’s basket. We then went on to write our own adjectives for a different set of fruit. Everyone also had to remember their capital letters, full stops and word spaces whilst forming letters correctly and sitting them on the line - phew! There is always so much to remember when writing correct sentences!

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This week in Reception we have had a fast and fabulous look at train journeys. From watching what the journey through the tunnel to Paris was like, to exploring friction by sending trains down ramps – we have enjoyed finding out more. In our Understanding The World lesson the children were able to explore a range of materials, work in pairs and ultimately decide which surface produced less friction and allowed the trains to travel further. Everyone enjoyed getting competitive – and it was almost as exciting as our Quidditch day!  However, we all agreed that Quidditch was brilliant fun, scoring points for our houses by throwing the ‘quaffle’ through the hoop – whilst dodging the pesky ‘bludgers’… and then, Mrs Brannon made us all smile by becoming a wonderful ‘snitch’ at the end. The children kept her on her toes, running in all different directions trying to catch her. Thank you to the PTA for organising all the fun, we hope we can play Quidditch again soon!

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Junior 2 Learn More About The Resurrection

Continuing with Easter, Junior 2 have been learning more about the Resurrection of Jesus.  They thought about how the disciples felt about the Resurrection from when they first heard about it to when Jesus was alive again. This led to discussing some of the symbols of the Crucifixion and Resurrection and we made a cross and an empty tomb to symbolise this. 

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Today we reflect on what it means when Jesus says he is the vine, and how he gives life to us, his branches.

Activity Sheet 






Sports Fixtures & Events - Week Beginning Monday 29 April 2024

Please remember to check team sheets and find further fixture information on www.crackleyhallsport.co.uk or on SOCS.

Please can we remind all parents that whilst sports fixture information, once published, usually remains the same, parents should check www.crackleyhallsport.co.uk or SOCS on the day of the fixture for the most up to date information.

Monday 29 April 15:00 U10 A & B Girls Cricket V Bablake (A)
  15:00  U10 A & B Boys Cricket V Bablake (H)
Tuesday 30 April    
Wednesday 01 May  All Day ISFA U 11 Girls Football Festival (A)
  15:00 U11 A & B Girls Cricket V King Henry (A)
  15:00 U11 A & B Boys Cricket V King Henry (H)
Thursday 02 May 14:30 U9 A Boys Cricket V Crescent (H)
  14:30 U9 A Girls Cricket V Crescent (H)
Friday 03 May    
Saturday 4 May All Day Cycling Mixed - U11A vs Spratton Hall Cyclo Cross



Lego Club

There’s no doubt that the Junior 4 trip to PGL Liddington has made a lasting impression on pupils, creating unforgettable experiences and special memories. With this in mind, this week in Lego Club we decided to travel, not by coach, but by stepping aboard the iconic Hogwarts express train to the outdoor adventure centre ready to re-enact the variety of activity sessions, from aerial adventures to fun problem-solving initiatives in Lego form! We swung into action on the popular giant swing and zip wire and practised our skills at archery and climbing, before heading for the sensory trail - relying on our senses as the minifigures were blindfolded! We even added a new activity - braving the river and challenging ourselves on the rapids - let's save this one for next time! 


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Trinity Term House ‘Art’ Competition

Spring has sprung, and so has the new Trinity Term House 'Art' competition!

Don’t worry if you weren’t successful last time, you can try again……and again!

This term, our theme is ‘Spring has Sprung’ 

Ms Holmes would like you to think about all things 'spring-like'.  Get your creative flair going and look around you. The gardens are beginning to bloom again, lambs are leaping, insects stirring and, the days are getting longer.

Ms Holmes would like you to create a wonderful sprintime image. Work can be 2D or 3D and must be colourful and bright to reflect this wonderful time of year! Maybe try to stretch yourself by using a medium you haven't used before.

House points will be given for entering, for innovative ideas and for overall creativity.

  • Entering -  5 house points
  • 3rd prize - 10 house points
  • 2nd prize - 20 house points
  • 1st prize - 25 house points

Work should be your own and no larger than A3.

Work should be handed in to Ms Holmes in the art room by Thursday 16 May.

Professor Penguin is conscientious – a trait we should all be working towards. Creating sustainable artwork is a fabulous way to show how YOU can contribute to the planet’s future.

Please click here for further information.

Good luck everyone, can’t wait to see what you come up with!



Little Crackers

In Nursery This Week

We have had a wonderful week in Nursery.

The Dormice children are continuing with their theme of Castles. This week we made and painted our very own castle; the children developed their pretend play, dressing up as knights and climbing over the drawbridge. They also enjoyed listening and singing along to The Grand Old Duke Of York!

In Badgers and Hedgehogs, phonics has moved from the Seaside and onto visiting parks. The children have shared their own experiences of going to a park and all the things they can do there. They have thought about what they might see or hear at the park as well as the sounds they make (going down the slide). As well as having a picnic in the park, most children agreed they liked to play on the swings and the play equipment the most. Outside, the children have been exploring pushes and pulls, and have been naming these actions whilst they play. In the Curiosity Box this week, there was a range of springs and rubber bands. Children had the opportunity to explore and describe these, again feeling and observing what happens when they pushed the springs/bands together or pulled them apart.   

Now the children are so good at saying how they feel, we have been helping them to recognise how other people are feeling. Using scenario cards, they have been looking for clues in body language to work out how someone else is feeling, and having a go at guessing why they are feeling this way. They were then asked to use a sentence using the word ‘because’ to match the scenario. For example, “The girl is happy because it is her birthday.”

Well done everyone!

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Little Crackers Specialist Activities Timetable

Please click here to view the weekly timetable for Nursery specialist activties.




Message From PTA

Summer Fair - Saturday 18 May - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Crackley Hall’s Summer Fair tickets are on sale now. Please use the QR code to purchase your tickets. Buy your tickets by Wednesday 8 May and get your child’s name entered into a draw to win a Disco Party for their class.

Temperatures are starting to improve and we hope they will be perfect in just a month from now when we will be serving up a tasty barbecue and reopening our gin bar plus all of our usual stalls plus a few new ones too at our annual Summer Fair!  Families catch up and children have a ball with their friends at our custom made event designed around everything our children love.

We need more volunteers for each class stall at the fair – please sign up on your year group chat or ask at Reception to put your name down. Just an hour of your time would be much appreciated and the children love to see you help!

We will be holding a non uniform day on Friday 17 May in return for donations:

  • Reception to Year 2 – Chocolate
  • Year 3 to Year 6 – Bottles

Donations of new or good as new soft toys, games and toys would be much appreciated.

200 Club - an easy way to support the PTA 

Looking for an easy way to support the PTA? Sign up to our 200 Club! Only £5 per half termly draw and each entry has a chance to win £200 at the end of the year as an added bonus. Every little helps and we thank you for your support. Please click here (add link) to buy a ticket.

Link: 200 Club

Colour Run

We are cranking up the plans for our 3rd annual Colour Run on Friday 7 June  – put the date in your diary for another fabulous social event.


PTA Pre-loved Uniform

Many thanks for all the donations that have been sent in this year - without these we literally could not operate! Please continue to use the containers in the foyer to drop off any donations rather than dropping into the office staff. We are especially grateful to receive good quality sports items - particularly tracksuit bottoms!

Please email us at: uniform@pta.crackleyhall.co.uk stating your child’s name and class and we will get all orders sent home for you.


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Trinity Termly Curriculum Sheets - Reminder

Please see below the Termly Curriculum Sheets for the Trinity Term



Junior 1

Junior 2

Junior 3

Junior 4

Junior 5

Junior 6


Assessment Information

 Assessment Type  Year Groups  Date
 Assessments  Junior 2 to Junior 6  W/c 13 May 2024
 Assessments  Junior 2 to Junior 6  W/c 20 May 2024
 Internal Phonics Check  Junior 1  W/c 3 June 2024
 Internal Multiplication Check  Junior 4  W/c 3 June 2024

Aftercare Booking Information

Due to club and activity changes, permanent Aftercare bookings are only valid for the current term. 

If you require either permanent or occasional Aftercare for the Trinity Term, please make a new booking by emailing:

aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk or receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

If you need to make a same-day Aftercare booking - please ensure you contact the school office no later than 1:00 pm that day. Any requests made after 1:00 pm will only be authorised at the Headmaster's discretion.

If you have booked an Aftercare session, letting your child know would also be helpful.

Any children not collected from the carline, for example, if parents are stuck in traffic, will be taken to Aftercare at 4:15 pm, when carline finishes and charged accordingly.

Aftercare runs from 3:15 pm until 6:00 pm, with charges being £5.00 per hour or part thereof.

Childcare vouchers can be used as payment or part payment for Aftercare.

The school office closes at 5:00 pm, please call Aftercare directly on 07543 164 779 for collection. 

Menus For The Trinity Term 2024

Please see the attached menus for the Trinity Term. These rotate on a four weekly basis.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


Uniform Ordering

To order uniform please use the electronic form.

New Uniform Order


Littleton Close Parking - Local Parking Restrictions - Reminder

We have been notified by local residents that there are ongoing building works to properties on Littleton Close until further notice. Please do not park on this road at drop off or collection and assemblies in order to allow full access for lorries etc. There may be some availability on the road much further down, but please be aware that there are other skips on driveways and large vehicles will need full access.

Please do not park in the staff car park area (left-hand side as you drive in) or on the grasscrete area on Fennyland Lane. There is a limited amount of parking in the car park (towards the right-hand side as you drive in) or you are usually able to park in the lower playground (off Fennyland Lane).  This is the best option if you are spending a few minutes speaking to a teacher or member of the office staff. The school field will be open for parking every Friday morning for Assembly.

Lost And Found Property

Please ensure that all items of school uniform, equiptment and sports kit are named.

Could you please regularly check all uniform and sports kits at home and if it does not belong to your child, please return the items to the School Office as soon as possible.







School Contact Information And Links

Crackley Hall School Office
01926 514 444
Email: post@crackleyhall.co.uk
Postal address: St Joseph's Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2FT

Office Manager/Headmaster’s Personal Assistant – Anna Bond
01926 514 444
Email: receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

Little Crackers Nursery; Nursery Manager - Emma Birch
01926 514 456 - Email: post@littlecrackers.co.uk

After Care - David Johnson, Aftercare Manager
Collection contact no; 07543 164 779
Email: aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk

Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634 273
Email: georginamalin@princethorpe.co.uk

Registrar - Jenny Vaughan
01926 514 410
Email: admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk 
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634 200
Email: post@princethorpe.co.uk
website: www.crackleyhall.co.uk
X: @CrackleyHallSch  
facebook: @crackleyhallandlittlecrackersofficial

School Medication

For children who require any medication periodically or on a permanent basis, the Office will require a completed Administration of Medication Form. A copy is attached for your convenience. 

Administration of Medication Form

Please ensure that any medication brought into school is in date and labelled with your child's name and form.

Please hand medication into the School Office, please do not give to your child to hand in. 





School Drop Off And Collection Arrangements

When dropping off in the morning, if you are using carline, please move round the roundabout before dropping off and do not leave your car unattended. Carline can cause traffic issues on the Kenilworth Road, so please be mindful.

If you are dropping off and wish to walk your child up to the school or are coming into school please use the Lower Playground or the Sports Field. Please remember to park considerately as parking is at a premium.

We would ask that if you use the Lower Playground at morning drop off, that you leave the school site promptly, as parking is at a premium, and it has been causing traffic congestion.

Please do not park on the Grasscrete Parking area or on the left hand side when you enter the school main carline, as these are both staff parking areas.

Where possible, please avoid parking on the local residential roads, and if you do, please park considerately and legally. 

When collecting in the evening, please adhere to the collection times, as if you arrive too early, this causes traffic congestion. If you are early, we would suggest parking on the Sports Field and walking up to school.

If you are unsure or wish to clarify any points, please call the School Office.

Please see below the carline locations and collections for the Michaelmas Term:

Reception Lower Playground 3:15
Junior 1 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:15
Junior 2 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:35
Junior 3 Lower Playground 3:40
Junior 4 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:45
Junior 5 Lower Playground 3:55
Junior 6 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 4:05

Please see below collection locations for after games lessons (but not clubs):

Junior 3 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40
Junior 3 Boys Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40
Junior 4 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 3:45
Junior 4 Boys Sports Field 3:45
Junior 5 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:55
Junior 5 Boys Sports Field 3:45
Junior 6 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 4:05
Junior 6 Boys Sports Field 3:45

Foundation Job Vacancies

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Current vacancies include:

The Princethorpe Foundation

  • Head of Business Services
  • Events Co-ordinator

Princethorpe College

  • Head of Psychology and Sociology
  • Assistant Registrar
  • Science Technician
  • Administrator/Receptionist
  • Minibus Driver

Further information and application forms on all roles are available on the Foundation's website - www.princethorpe.co.uk/join-us