Little Crackers


Dormice children have started learning all about different Places to Visit, using books to encourage curiosity and language. We have so far explored and investigated different Castles; from looking at information books, building castle models and playing inside our own wooden castle.

Our Phonics Scheme has taken us to the seaside this week, which has been an amusing adventure, given the changeable weather!

In the outside learning area, the children have enjoyed manning the Little Crackers ice cream kiosk and have taken turns at being both customer and seller, which encouraged them to practise asking and answering politely. Mrs Allen also led fun beach games such as ‘jump, jump, splash!’

Inside Nursery with Mrs Whitehurst, a highlight of the week has been mixing, freezing, and tasting our own homemade vanilla ice cream. What a treat - it tasted sensational! We carried the ice cream theme through our Maths lesson, based upon favourite flavours. The children recorded their preferences on a data chart and we counted quantities in the columns as well as using comparative language to discuss the differing amounts. The Badgers and Hedgehogs have also enjoyed learning topical songs such as Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.

At Forest School this week, we have introduced the first of our woodwork tools and some children took their turn to saw a slice of birch wood from a slim branch, which was very exciting. Obviously, this sort of guided activity follows strict Forest School safety procedures and requires 1:1 assistance, and therefore, it will take a few sessions before everyone has had an opportunity to engage in this experience.

During RE, we introduced our third daily prayer, so Nursery are now chatting to God as we begin our morning, at lunchtime, and at the end of the day. Beginning a dialogue with God is a life skill and forms an important part of our spiritual journey at Crackley Hall. Sharing collective worship is further built on when the children transition into Reception.

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Little Crackers Specialist Activities Timetable

Please click here to view the weekly timetable for Nursery specialist activties.