Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Welcome back to our Trinity, or Summer, Term! I wish I could say that the weather has arrived for the start of our 'summer' term, but it appears that the memo has been lost in transit! I hope, though, that everyone was able to enjoy a good break over the Easter period. We celebrate the joy of our Risen Lord in the Easter season, giving us hope and strength. Our thoughts were also with our Muslim families as they celebrated Eid last week after observing, through prayer and fasting, the sacred month of Ramadan. 

It has been wonderful to see our new play equipment in full use this week. I would like to thank the PTA for their generous contribution towards the cost of this. Our PTA met yesterday evening and plans for the summer fayre on Saturday 18 May are progressing well. Thank you to Mrs Gordon, Mrs Higginbotham and their willing band of helpers for their time spent on planning and organising the fayre. Please do keep your eyes peeled for details on how to purchase tickets in advance for what is always a wonderful day (it will naturally be beautifully sunny!) There will also be a party at school for the class who buys the most number of tickets (weighted according to number of pupils in classes).

Our trustees were delighted to hear from various staff in school on Tuesday at the Education Committee meeting. All aspects of school life were looked at, from the curriculum, extended- curriculum and wellbeing to our digital journey, aftercare and learning support. I would like to thank all staff concerned for such a positive, inspiring afternoon where we were pleased to share details of so many exciting developments with our trustees. 

Junior 4 have been having a fabulous time at PGL in Lillington this week, embracing so many new experiences. They will all sleep well tonight! I would like to thank Mr Cottrill, Mrs Roberts, Mr Ashley and Mrs Hill for accompanying the children on the trip, and for working hard to ensure that they have all been able to fully benefit from the many opportunities on offer. 

I was pleased to meet with Junior 5 parents on Wednesday evening to talk through the process involved in the children's transfer to secondary school. I hope that everyone found this helpful. Thank you to the staff who joined me at the presentation. As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to further discuss your child’s options.

As I write, our field is populated with children visiting from 15 other schools as they compete in an interschool cross country competition. Pulling the plans together for such a big event is an immense task, and I would like to thank all our games and administration staff for their planning on this, particularly Mr Vaughan. 

Our U11A girls football team played exceptionally well to beat Clinton School 3-1 yesterday. Well done to all the girls.

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week: Nursery – Charlotte and Matilda; Reception – Alexander and Sophie; J1 – Ted and Charlotte; J2 – Dottie and Arjan; J3 – Sloane and Josh; J5 – Ryan and Scarlet; J6 – Alexa and Blythe. We also awarded Crackley Compass stars and Da Vinci’s – well done to all the recipients. We were also treated to wonderful singing by Adreena. She has a lovely voice and gave an excellent performance! Thank you to Mrs Horan and Mrs Van Zyl for helping to lead assembly today.

I look forward to seeing some parents and family members at our St George’s Day Mass next week – you are all most welcome.  I hope that you all have a happy and relaxing weekend with your families.

God bless

Rob Duigan




Quote Of The Week

"The great gift of Easter is hope." - Basil C. Hume.