
Monday Mission Assembly

Mr Cottrill led this week's Mission Assembly. Pupils came into the hall to the tune of Stand by Me by Ben K King. In the lead-up to St Joseph's Day, the question was posed to the pupils of who St Joseph stood by throughout his life. Answers ranged from standing next to the shepherds, standing next to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and standing next to God the Father.  In essence, standing by someone means to look after them. Our school is heavily associated with St Joseph as Crackley Hall was formerly St Joseph's Convent School. We learnt about St Joseph in that he was a descendant of King David; he was betrothed to Mary, the mother of Jesus and he was a carpenter. God gave the role of the earthly father of Jesus to Joseph because he was a kind, caring and humble man, and the lillies which grew out of Joseph's staff bloomed as a sign that he had been chosen by God to wed Mary. We concluded the assembly with the St Joseph's prayer.


Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Palm Sunday (Year B)
We remember how Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem and hear the story of how He was arrested and crucified. We think about how we can help others as Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry his cross.

Activity Sheet