
Events - Week Beginning Monday 18 March 2024

Please see detailed below events for week begininng 18 March 2024. 

Please see our SPORT section for fixture information.

Monday 18 March  All week Junior 6 Trip to France
  14:00 - 15:00 Reconciliation Junior 4 & 5
Tuesday 19 March All day Netball Girls - U9A v ISA U9 Midlands Netball
  14:00 - 15:00 Whole School Mass - St Jospephs Day
Wednesday 20 March 10:30 - 12:00 Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play
  11:00 - 12:30 J3 & J4 Swimming
Thursday 21 March All day Junior 3 Trip to Kingswood
  16:00 - 17:00 Junior 4 - PGL Trip Parents Information Meeting
Friday 22 March 08:40 Key Stage 1 Assembly
  13:30 -14:30 PTA Easter Egg Hunt
    Junior 6 Trip return from France 
    End of Lent Term


St Joseph's Day Mass At Crackley Hall - Reminder

Tuesday 19 March - 2.00pm to 3.00pm

To mark St Joseph's Day on Tuesday 19 March, Crackley Hall School is holding a St Joseph’s Day Mass.

We cordially invite all former St Joseph's and Crackley Hall pupils and former staff to join us. The Mass will take place from 2.00pm to 3.00pm and afterwards there will be light refreshments for visitors and an opportunity to tour the school.

More information will be shared with all those registered before the event takes place.

To register please go to Princethorpe Connect.

Junior 5 Princethorpe College Taster Day Trip - Reminder

Tuesday 30 April 

As part of the preparation for secondary school transition we will be taking the Junior 5 classes to our Foundation senior school, Princethorpe College, on Tuesday 30 April for a Taster Day. They will be leaving Crackley Hall at 9.00am, by minibus.

Pupils will get a feel for senior school life through a variety of classroom sessions, they will also tour the school, have the chance to quiz current pupils in a Q&A session and experience breaktime and lunch in a busy secondary school environment. Please send your child in full school uniform but please note that no bags, snack, water bottle or lunch are needed as these will all be provided.

At the end of the afternoon, parents who are interested in entry to Princethorpe in September 2025 are invited to an informal Parents’ Information Session at 4.15pm, where they will collect their child.

Grove du Toit, the Headmaster, along with other key members of staff will be available to talk to you about the College and will outline the admissions process. The children will also be able to trial the online CEM test, one of the exams that prospective pupils complete during the Entrance Examinations Day, which will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024. Light refreshments will be served. 

For those parents who are unable to attend the Parents’ Information Session, your child will be transported back to Crackley Hall for 3.30pm. Children whose parents are collecting them from Princethorpe will have an extra lesson before their parents arrive.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about admissions to Princethorpe College, do get in touch with the Admissions Team on 01926 634201/297 or email

School Cross Country Challenge - Save the Date! - Reminder

Sunday 5 May - 9.30am

The Kenilworth Runners School Cross Country Challenge is returning this year and will be held in Abbey Fields on Sunday 5 May at 9.30am. Pupils in Junior 5 and Year 6 can enter, there are individual prizes for the first three boys and girls and a team prize for the overall highest scoring school (the first six runners from each school count towards team results).

More information will follow nearer the time so, for now, please save the date in your diaries.