
Junior 2 Explore The Last Supper

Junior 2 had a slow reveal of 'The Last Supper' painting by Leonardo da Vinci in RE this week. The pupils were very perceptive and noticed how each of the disciples had their own unique expressions displaying their emotions. Pupils observed how bright the sunrise was coming through the windows and they were very quick to recognise a numerical reference to the number 3; in that there were three windows, three pictures on each side of the walls, and groups of three disciples gathered together, and concluded that this depicted the Holy Trinity. One pupil noticed how Thomas had his index finger pointing and said this could mean that Jesus had only one day left, or that Jesus would rise up to heaven. Some noticed the spilt salt next to Judas' elbow.  We also sequenced the events of Palm Sunday together and discussed each part of the story. Well done, Junior 2!

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Children's Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy

Fifth Sunday of Lent (B)
Jesus talks about how a single grain of wheat can produce a rich harvest. We explore what He means.

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