Important Information

PSHE Lessons - Protective Behaviours

Taking Care 
At the start of every academic year, form teachers deliver a Protective Behaviours strategy called ‘Taking Care’ during PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons. I thought it would be useful for you to know what these lessons cover as you may like to talk to your child about them.  
The strategy enables pupils and adults to recognise what feeling safe means to them and then to identify their own signs of feeling unsafe. It highlights the link between rights and responsibilities and the need to take responsibility for our own feelings and behaviour. The process encourages pupils to have fun and adventures (if desired), whilst observing the rights of others at the same time. Strategies for safe action and choices are explored along with identification of a network of adults who can help. Using the network and checking that it works are also covered, as is the importance of persistence. 
The scheme advocates that, in addition to improving personal safety from deliberate harm, wider benefits for children include valuable life skills around life choices in future; enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem; promotion of individual problem-solving/solution-finding; encouragement to take responsibility for own behaviour, and thoughts and feelings; encouragement to take risk in a safe and controlled way – thus supporting personal development.  
If you have any questions or queries, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.  


Young Voices - Junior 4, 5 And 6

Children in Juniors 4, 5 and 6 once again have the opportunity to attend Young Voices that takes place on Friday 12 January 2024.

An Evolve has been sent out for consent, and to purchase t-shirts and additional tickets - can you please ensure that this has been completed by the end of the weekend, as Mrs Olden will be ordering the tickets on Monday morning.



Music And Singing Lessons

If your child is interested in taking music or singing lessons at school, please complete the below Expression of Interest Form and hand in to the school office

Expression of Interest Form

Extra Curricular Clubs

Changes to Extra Curricular Clubs

J5 and J6 Chamber Choir has moved to Thursday morning, from Wednesday.

J5 Art & DT Club has moved to Friday afternoon, from Thursday.

J1 Cartoon Drawing has moved to Friday lunchtime (12:30), from Monday


Cancellations to Extra Curricular Clubs

There are no club cancellations for this week.


Afterschool Clubs - pick up locations and times


J1 Rugby Tots - 3.45pm - Lower Playground

J3 to J6 Move It Shake It - 4.45pm - Gables

J4 STEAM Club - 4.45pm - Front Steps

J5 and J6 Girls Hockey Club - 5.00pm at North Leam School or 5.20pm at Crackley Hall


J1 and J2 Eco Club - 4.15pm - Front Steps

J3 and J4 Hockey Club - 4.30pm - Lower Playground

J4 to J6 Fencing Club - 4.45pm - Gables

Rec to J6 Bayleaf Cookery - 4.45pm - Front Steps

J3 to J6 STEM Young Engineers - 5.00pm - Science Room Door 


Rec to J2 Move It Shake It - 4.15pm - Gables

J5 and J6 Girls Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields

J5 and J6 Boys Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields


J3 and J4 Girls Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields

J3 and J4 Boys Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields


J1 and J2 ATMA Karate - 4.00pm - Gables

J1 to J6 Complete Cricket - 4.30pm - Lower Playground

J5 Art and DT Workshop - 4.45pm - Science Room Door

J3 to J6 ATMA Karate - 5.00pm - Gables

Menus For Michaelmas Term 2023

Please see the attached menus for the Michaelmas Term. These rotate on a five weekly basis.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Flu Vaccination - Reminder

The deadline for completing the E-Consent for the flu vaccination is fast approaching, being Sunday 17 September, and this cannot be extended.

If you have not yet completed the E-Consent, please see the link below:

Unique Consent Link 

Once the form is completed, please ensure that you note the Unique Submission Number before closing the web page down, in case you have a query.

The E-Consent link will close on Sunday 17 September and will not be able to be extended.

Please note that the E-Consent link has been set up and is managed by the NHS Immunisation Team, and that the school does not have access to see who has or has not completed the form.

Therefore, it is imperative that you note your Unique Submission Number as stated above.

The School Immunisation Team will only be referring to the completed consent link, therefore if you do not complete this link, your child will not be able to have the flu vaccination. Consent in any other format will not be accepted by the Immunisation Team.

If you have any queries regarding the form, please contact either the school office or the School Immunisation Team, details are on the attached information letter.

Crackley Hall Flu Vaccination Information Letter


School Drop Off And Collection Arrangements - Reminder

When dropping off in the morning, if you are using carline, please move round the roundabout before dropping off and do not leave your car unattended. Carline can cause traffic issues on the Kenilworth Road, so please be mindful.

If you are dropping off and wish to walk your child up to the school or are coming into school please use the Lower Playground or the Sports Field. Please remember to park considerately as parking is at a premium.

We would ask that if you use the lower playground at morning drop off, that you leave the school site promptly, as parking is at a premium, and it has been causing traffic congestion.

Please do not park on the Grasscrete Parking area or on the left hand side when you enter the school main carline, as these are both staff parking areas.

Where possible, please avoid parking on the local residential roads, and if you do, please park considerately and legally. 

When collecting in the evening, please adhere to the collection times, as if you arrive too early, this causes traffic congestion. If you are early, we would suggest parking on the Sports Field and walking up to school.

If you are unsure or wish to clarify any points, please call the School Office.


 Please see below the carline locations and collections for the Michaelmas Term:

Reception Lower Playground 3:15
Junior 1 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:15
Junior 2 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:35
Junior 3 Lower Playground 3:40
Junior 4 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:45
Junior 5 Lower Playground 3:55
Junior 6 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 4:05


Please see below collection locations for after games lessons (but not clubs):

Junior 3 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40
Junior 3 Boys Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40
Junior 4 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 3:45
Junior 4 Boys Sports Field 3:45
Junior 5 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:55
Junior 5 Boys Sports Field 3:45
Junior 6 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 4:05
Junior 6 Boys Sports Field 3:45

School Medication - Reminder

For children who require any medication periodically or on a permanent basis, the Office will require a completed Administration of Medication Form a copy is attached for your convenience. 

Administration of Medication Form

Please ensure that any medication brought into school is in date and labelled with your child's name and form.

Please hand medication into the School Office, please do not give to your child to hand in. 





Earrings - Reminder

Earrings of any description are a health and safety issue and must not be worn.

We are aware that some children have had their ears pierced during the holidays and are therefore unable to remove their earrings for six weeks. During this time, earrings (plain studs only) can be worn to school but must be covered with tape or a plaster at all times.  After the six weeks has elapsed and the hole has formed, earrings should not be worn to school. 

Aftercare Booking Information - Reminder

If you require either permanent or occassional Aftercare for the new Term will need to book in their intentions by emailing or with as much notice as possible to ensure the children attending, receive tea.

If you have booked an Aftercare session, it would also be helpful to let your child know.

Please also note that permanent bookings are only valid for the term, due to club and activity changes.

Any children who are not collected from carline, for example if parents are stuck in traffic, will be taken to Aftercare at 4.15pm, when carline finishes and charged accordingly.

Aftercare runs from 3.45 pm until 6:00pm, with charges being £5.00 per hour or part thereof.

Childcare vouchers can be used as payment or part payment for Aftercare.

The office closes at 4.30pm, please call Aftercare directly on 07732 036625 if you need the staff after this time.