Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”  
― B.B. King  

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I hope that you have been enjoying the warmer weather of late. It's the end of another incredibly busy week, with the school currently preparing for the annual production and almost ready to be collected for transfer to the Spa Centre. I am looking forward to seeing our school’s production of the timeless classic, Peter Pan, firstly at the matinee and then, again, this evening. So many people have worked very hard to bring our production together, especially Mrs Wildey, Mrs Olden, Mrs Paphitis, and a number of other staff, including the school office staff. 
I am delighted that our students have been eagerly looking forward to showcasing their talents and skills, and it will be an absolute pleasure to see all our families watching the show today. It is a mammoth task to bring the whole school together into one production. I am immensely proud to have witnessed our school community's diverse talents, courage, and confidence throughout this week (and the past year). I extend my gratitude to all the parents who have supported their children and encouraged them to practise at home. 
As we draw near the conclusion of the academic year, it is with a heavy heart that we will soon bid farewell to some valued, much-loved and well-respected staff members who are embarking on new adventures or are retiring. We will soon say farewell to Susanne Jackson-Mayne, Gail Buswell, Lois Thomas and George Jeffrey. We will be thanking them appropriately and recognising all they have done for the school in due course this term. Gail has worked part-time in the Nursery for over 20 years, Susanne is in her eighteenth year of service at Crackley Hall and is looking forward to retiring from teaching after being such an integral part of the spiritual life of Crackley Hall (and in many other areas as well), Lois has recently qualified as a teacher and is seizing a new opportunity and George has been with us for a few months, working in Reception. We are inviting families to contribute towards farewell gifts and to sign their leaving cards, which are available at the Front Office until Wednesday, 28 July. This is not obligatory at all but just an invitation to join the school community in helping to show our appreciation for all they have done for our pupils during their time here. In the next edition of the Chronicle, I will express our gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering dedication and exceptional service to Crackley Hall. We will be announcing details about our incoming staff members during next week. 
I am thrilled to share that an exhilarating and action-packed week awaits us. One of our highest priorities is to streamline communication from the school office as we know that all families have to adhere to very busy schedules. Please would all parents take the time to review our message and, when necessary, to respond promptly to ensure a smooth and efficient process. 
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Andrew P, in J6, for delivering a truly outstanding piano performance! Your commitment and dedication certainly paid off, and we are very proud of your achievement. Keep up the fantastic work, Andrew! 
I take this opportunity to congratulate our stars of the week; Edward (Nursery), Wilson (RA), Orla (RM), Bevan and Henry (J1H), Theoharis (J1G), Lilyrose (J2B), All of J3, Leo (J4R), Rory (J4S), Alexa (J5L), Sienna (J5W), Lucas (J6H). Keep up the excellent work! 
Five of our Crackley Hall athletes took part in the national ISA championships this week, representing the Midlands. They all did very well indeed, and we are very proud of them. I am sure that we will hear a little more on their achievements in this newsletter, or the next. 
The school community came together for a fantastic summer fair last weekend. It was a huge success, due largely to the incredible hard work of our PTA Chair, Maria Gordon. I am very grateful to her and her small group of outstanding helpers, including current parents and grandparents, past parents and current staff members. The pupils had a really lovely day and Maria and her small team are already looking at ways to build on this year’s success in order to make it even better next year. 
I would like to wish everyone a happy and restful weekend with friends and family. 

God Bless,

Rob Duigan