Learning In Action


This week Reception have been preparing for the Summer Show. They have been very sensible at the dress rehearsal and they loved trying on their costumes. I think we can all agree that Reception did a great job learning all their words and actions. We are very proud of their performance…what talented children we have!

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Junior 6

Whilst putting the final touches to their end of year production of Peter Pan, our amazing Junior 6s have been working hard to put the finishing touches to their Leavers' Mass, which will take place next week. A special thank you to Mrs Jackson-Mayne for her expert guidance as she helped the children rehearse for their final Mass of the year. Leavers' Mass will take place on Tuesday 27 June and will begin at 9am. Junior 6 parents and parishioners are invited to celebrate with us. Well done this week Junior 6; your dedication and hard work is a brilliant example to the rest of the children in the school. Keep up the hard work!

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Junior 5

Junior 5W have been channelling their inner Jack Sparrows in rehearsals for the Summer Production this week. The children’s singing has been superb, their dancing excellent and they have now been working on their fiercest pirate expressions to complete the final look. We were so impressed with the children’s costumes at the dress rehearsal on Tuesday and they provoked many comments about how colourful and ‘piratey’ they looked. The children are now very excited to perform. Break a leg, Junior 5!

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Junior 4

Junior 4 have been really fired up about their new Science topic entitled 'The Big Build'. In this topic, they have learnt about the various types of bridges that are in existence and they have studied the various shapes and structures used to make them strong. The children then had to plan and build their very own bridges, with whatever materials they desired, and these have been excitedly brought into school, shared, evaluated and tested out. What budding and talented engineers Junior 4 are! Well done to all!

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Junior 3

Junior 3 have been amazing this week as, in the busiest week of our year, we prepare for Peter Pan at the Spa Centre. Thank you all for being so efficient and patient, which really helps the children relax and enjoy the rehearsal and preparations. In other areas, digital time has shown it’s er…face and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) have reared their heads as we revise our English work from across the year.

Junior 3H have been testing and investigating plants and the conditions they thrive or fail in. Currently we have one plant in the cold fridge, one in a dark cupboard, one desperate for water and the other sitting in perfect conditions. We wonder what the outcome will be? Not good in the main I fear. 

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Junior 2

It has been another busy week in Junior 2 and there is no slowing down here! We started making a wind-up animal in a rainforest setting during our DT lesson; we can’t wait to see what they look like. We have been learning how to use column addition effectively in Maths, conjunctions in English, writing story endings and discovering how incredible Mary Seacole was. All on top of rehearsing for our incredible performance at the Spa Centre. Have a well-earned rest this weekend, Junior 2.

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Junior 1

Ahoy there me hearties! Junior 1 have been the most fearsome pirates in all the land, this week. There has been lots of pirate singing, shouting, and growling to ensure everyone was as fierce as could be. The children were encouraged to show their best singing, clear actions, and loud voices to make sure the Junior 1 performance was as polished as possible. On the day, everyone worked extremely hard to make sure the audience had the best time as we opened the show. We are sure you will agree it was an amazing experience and we hope our families enjoyed watching the performance. Next week, it will be our transition morning, when we will get a chance to visit the Junior 2 staff; we are looking forward to spending time in our new classrooms. 

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