
RE In Action

Reception were Our Father movers this week in RE as they learnt the Lord's Prayer in sign language.  As the weather was so lovely, we ventured outside to the Outdoor Classroom to explore and talk about the meaning of this special prayer. This made the actions a lot easier and we were able to turn the words into signs. Reception loved their learning so much; they were overheard singing the prayer with actions during lunch the following day! 

Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs VanZyl led the Monday school assembly as we welcomed back Year 6 from Scotland. The theme of the Assembly was about the calling of Matthew to follow Jesus. Mrs VanZyl talked about what a disciple was and the pupils in Junior 3 acted out the story from the bible of Jesus calling Levi, who was a tax collector, to become a follower of Jesus. Levi did and he later changed his name to Matthew – a name meaning gift from God. Pupils reflected on the important message - to show mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to everyone and to always try and forgive someone even if they have done wrong. If we choose to follow the example and teaching of Jesus, we are choosing to follow Him.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Jesus was moved with compassion for people who were worried and looking for help. He sent out His disciples to care for them. How can we carry on that work today?

Activity Sheet