Learning In Action

Junior 6

Junior 6 returned this week triumphant from their adventures in the Scottish Highlands. Over the course of the week, the children amazed us with their confidence and teamwork as they worked in their clans to complete a series of challenges. From climbing the initial sections of Ben Nevis, to working in teams to race canoes across Loch Eil, the children never failed to show us their grit and determination. It was so rewarding to see them working outside of their comfort zones and ending the week with their heads high, proud of what they had achieved. Looking towards the end of term, the summer performance of Peter Pan is quickly approaching, and we know how keen they are to share their hard work with friends and family. Keep up the great work, Junior 6!

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Junior 5

This week, Junior 5 had their final French pen pal video call of the year. The children practised asking questions (in French) about music and understanding the French responses from their penpals. They also practised answering questions regarding where they live (in English) so that they could answer their pen pals in their native language. Junior 5 have been excited to talk to their pen pals again and to learn more about them. They have learnt about French music which is popular in France, and are keen to find out if the songs recommended by the penpals will also be popular amongst the Junior 5s!

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Junior 4

Junior 4 have enjoyed working outside this week during their Maths lessons. They have been using their estimating skills and knowledge of Time. The pupils collaborated together to estimate minutes and seconds for different tasks. They used stop watches with expert precision and then filled in their own charts to see if their estimation was near the actual time.

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Junior 3

This week Junior 3 have continued their exploration of all things ‘Ancient Greek’ with some fabulous learning across the curriculum. In DT, Junior 3H have been learning all about the amazing engineering and architecture of the ancient Greeks and they were very excited to be set a STEM challenge to build a temple strong enough to support the weight of a small human. There was lots of trial and error, discussion about weight distribution, and reinforcement of paper cups as they rose to the task in their groups. We were so impressed with the levels of collaboration and ingenuity the children demonstrated. Every group was successful and some even went on to build temples several storeys high! Meanwhile, in Junior 3V, pupils have also been working collaboratively creating puppets and planning scripts to act out the ‘Battle of Troy’. We can’t wait to watch their performances.


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Junior 2

Junior 2 have had a delightful week, as they immersed themselves in rehearsals for their end-of-year show. Despite the excitement and preparations, the children remained diligent, working hard in between rehearsals. In History lessons, the students delved into the remarkable influence Florence Nightingale had on our hospitals and how her legacy resonates in our lives today. Meanwhile, in Maths, the children focused on exploring one another's interests and personalities through engaging with different pictograms. That hasn't stopped their anticipation mounting as their performance date draws near, and everyone is brimming with excitement. Congratulations, Year 2, on yet another busy and productive week!

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Junior 1

Junior 1 were so excited on Monday as the butterflies had hatched out of their chrysalis and we were able to release them and watch all five fly away to find a friend and start the life cycle all over again! We looked at other creatures that fly in Science; this time it was birds. Did you know that birds are related to dinosaurs? In Computing Junior 1 have been developing their typing skills and after spending time learning where they keys are on the keyboard, they used their new-found skills to type out some sentences, adding in a capital letter and full stop. Some people were so quick typing that they had time to change the font, size and colour of their work. In Maths we focused on turns, positions and directions, which was trickier than it sounds. This led to a wonderful lesson of directing each other around an obstacle course!

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This week Reception have been enjoying the warm weather and making the most of the sunshine! We have taken our learning outside, drawing, creating playdough creatures and writing stories in the outdoor classroom. The children have loved making the most of lots of extra space and burning off some end of year energy! We can’t wait to read their very own Under the Sea stories.

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