
Mrs Jackson-Mayne Leads Her Final Assembly

Yesterday, much loved teacher, Mrs Jackson-Mayne led her last assembly at Crackley Hall School. It was a poignant moment for many who have enjoyed her uplifting and inspirational assemblies over the years.

Mrs Jackson-Mayne is leaving Crackley Hall at the end of this school year after 17 very happy years here at St Joseph’s Park. She is off to pursue a new interest as she starts a Masters in Writing at Warwick University.

Mrs Jackson-Mayne joined Crackley Hall to lead on English, initially working with Years 5 and 6. Over the years she has taught many of the children and always enjoyed seeing them develop and progress up through the school to eventually shine as confident young people in Junior 6.

Her passion for teaching has provided many exciting learning experiences for pupils, from driving around in the old school minibuses looking for opportunities to explore Maths, through painting stones for the prayer garden, writing Lockdown Diaries, to her most recent new Catholic Debate competition, she has always been an exceptional and gifted teacher.

We are all going to miss Mrs Jackson-Mayne!

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Nursery Sports Day Was Fabulous Fun

Our Little Crackers had a fabulous time at their Nursery Sports Day on Thursday 15 June. The crowds gathered early on, creating a buzz of excitement as our lovely Little Crackers nursery pupils headed out excitedly for one of their biggest events of the year.

Nursery Sports Day took place on the Astro, with the children competing in teams. Everyone lined up eagerly ready to rocket down the course. The determination and concentration on their little faces was amazing to see as they took on the challenges of balancing the bean bags and those tricky tennis rackets.

Miss Lois had worked hard in the children’s PE sessions to get everyone ready to race and they all enjoyed taking turns to run up and down the course. There were plenty of staff and even our lovely Junior 5s on hand to encourage and support our Little Crackers as they flew up and down the tracks.

A great morning was had by all. A special thank you to our Nursery Team, Miss Lois and the Junior 5s for organising all the fun.

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Foundation News: Changes In The Princethorpe Admissions Team

Vanessa Rooney, Princethorpe's wonderful Registrar for the last seven years is stepping down from the role with effect from the end of June. She is handing over the reins to Assistant Registrar, Catherine Rogers, who has been appointed following a thorough recruitment process earlier this term.

Grove du Toit, College Headmaster, comments, “Vanessa has done an exceptional job as Registrar at Princethorpe over the last seven years. She has been a welcoming face and voice to so many families, and parents often comment on how well they are looked after by her and the team. We will be sad to see Vanessa go, but Catherine is a worthy successor, having come out top of a strong field of candidates and will I know maintain the high standards and friendly approach we have come to expect from the team.”

He continues, “We thank Vanessa for her tremendous dedication and service to the College and wish her well in her new endeavours.”

The College is now recruiting for an Assistant Registrar to replace Catherine, the deadline for applications is Monday 19 June, click here for more information on the role.

Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Milla
Reception A  Yuvraaj
Reception M  Edison
J1H  Delilah
J1G  Basile
J2B  William
J3H  Joshua
J3V  Niamh
J4R  Malachi
J4S  Amelia
J5L  Ben
J5W  Josh
J6H  The Whole Year
J6V  The Whole Year

Congratulations to them all!

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