Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

‘Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.’  John Maxwell 

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

It has been a positive and warm start to the week, and I am hoping that the sunshine will continue into the bank holiday weekend. 
It was wonderful to receive the news that the pupils who entered the group choral speaking competition at the Nuneaton Festival were placed first.  This was a wonderful way to start the week. Congratulations to all the pupils and to the staff involved. 
There was a busy day of sports on Wednesday, with some very good results along the way.  I am impressed by the number of pupils who took part in the inter-school cross country and I am sure that all benefitted immensely from their participation.  Much gratitude goes to Mr Vaughan and all the staff who helped him. 
Our Junior 5 pupils were able to spend a taster day at Princethorpe College on Thursday where they experienced what it would be like to be a pupil at the college.  Although children from Crackley Hall may have siblings at Princethorpe and have also attended various sporting, academic and pastoral events there, it is a valuable experience as they were involved in lessons and able to appreciate the facilities more fully.  I hope that parents found the information evening that followed the taster day useful. Thank you to Mrs Lammas, Mrs Wildey and Miss Broadbent who accompanied the children on this occasion and thank you to Mrs Edkins and Mrs Townsend for taking on the task of ensuring a smooth day for both parents, staff, and pupils. Can we please politely remind parents to supervise all children in the playground areas during end of the day, carline and aftercare in particular, to ensure children are safe at that busy time.
Teams from local catholic primary schools visited Crackley Hall to take part in its first-ever school debating competition.  All teams rose fantastically to the challenge, presenting strong arguments for and against subjects that were clearly close to their hearts.  A huge well done to our Crackley pupils, Jia, Julia, Leani and Lucas who were declared the winners of the competition. 
This week’s Stars of the Week’ were: Nursery Amelie, Reception A Samuel, Reception M Jamie, J1H Reuven, J1G Arjan, J2B Josh, J3H Henry, J4R Henry, J4S Felix, J5L William, J5W Isaac and J6H Matilda. Congratulations to all of you.  We also congratulate the pupils who earned their Crackley Compass stars and also those who were awarded their Da Vinci’s – well done, everyone! 
We were treated to some beautiful musical performances at assembly today! Well done and thank you to the Junior 6 Musical Theatre group who performed their ‘Wicked’ show, and to Beatrice in Junior 5 who played the piano. Both performances were excellent! 
I would like to wish everyone a restful long weekend with your families and friends. 
God bless, 

Rob Duigan