Important Information

Changes In Personal Information

Please remember to inform us if any of your contact details have changed, so we can update our records here to ensure the correct information is held. 

Parking Information

Can we please remind parents that drop off in the mornings for Nursery is at the lower playground, and not through the main gates in order to reduce congestion in carline. If carline becomes static it has a knock on effect on the traffic flow on the Coventry Road. 

The area to the left of the main carline (around the flagpole) is for staff parking, as is the grass area on Fennyland Lane. Please try to park in alternative locations for drop off to maintain the smooth running of the carline system, giving consideration to our neighbouring residents too.

Can we request that drivers refrain from using the disabled parking space please as this is booked out for those who need it, despite it looking free and being available this may not always be the case.

Thank you, your support and cooperation is very much appreciated. 


Aftercare Booking Information

Parents who require either permanent or occassional Aftercare for the new Trinity Term are requested to do so by either emailing or with as much notice as possible to ensure children attending, receive a snack.

If you have booked an Aftercare session, it would also be helpful to let your child know.

Please also note that permanent bookings are only valid for the term, due to club and activity changes.

Any children who are not collected from carline, for example if parents are stuck in traffic, will be taken to Aftercare at 4.15pm, when carline finishes and charged accordingly.

Aftercare runs from 3.45 pm until 6:00pm, with charges being £4.75 per hour or part thereof.

Childcare vouchers can be used as payment or part payment for Aftercare.

As the office now closes at 5.30pm, please call Aftercare directly on 07732 036625 if you need the staff after this time.