Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

  ‘The secret in education lies in respecting the student.’  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

It is wonderful to welcome you and the children back to Crackley Hall and the start of the Trinity term; it’s going to be a busy one and a rather special one!  I trust that you all had a relaxing Easter break with your families and have now settled back into the usual routine.  Listening to all the joyous stories shared by the children of their time spent with family and friends, making memories is one of the greatest gifts that God has ever given us.  They allow us to live one moment a thousand times over. 
Along with the sun shining we have had a few new faces in school this term and I am pleased to see that our new pupils have made a good start both within the classroom and within their friendship groups.  I would like to extend a warm Crackley welcome to Natalie Carroll who has taken over the roles of Aftercare Supervisor and temporary Teaching Assistant. 
On Wednesday afternoon, I hosted a meeting for Junior 5 parents, which highlighted the process for applying for a secondary school place. If anyone was unable to attend and would like further information, or you wish to meet with me, please contact Mrs Davis-Harris. 
In this morning’s assembly, I announced our Stars of the Week as: Sophie from Nursery, Otto RA, Isla RM, Grace J1H, George J1G, Lewis J2B, Francesca J3H, all Junior 3V, Alex J4R, Harriet J4S, Sebastian J5L, Jenson J5W, Rayane J6V, Julia J6H. Congratulations also to everyone who received their Bikeability, Crackley Compass, Da Vinci, music and LAMDA certificates. 
I am sure that everyone attending assembly would have thoroughly enjoyed the glorious performance of Wizard of Oz performed by our Musical Theatre group, along with a beautiful rendition from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Jenson.  It was also a real treat to listen to Ben, Adreena and Hollie play their piano pieces so beautifully.  Well done to all for your hard work and dedication. 
There were lots of children presented with awards and medals from outside of school. Congratulations to you all on your achievements and well-earned rewards. 
We are in the Easter season and this afternoon we celebrated Holy Mass with Father Kevin, it was wonderful to welcome him back after the Easter break and I would like to thank him, Mrs Jackson-Mayne, Mrs Olden, Mrs Simmonds and the children who took on lead roles in the Mass.  The preparation, reading, sense of reverence and the singing were all exceptional.  
The school will be marking King Charles III’s coronation on Friday 5 May, with a special picnic lunch, by dressing up in red, white and blue and by having a short concert on the school playing fields. Families are invited to bring a picnic lunch and join the pupils and staff from 12:30 and then to watch the concert from 13:30/14:00.  More details will follow soon. 
Sadly, Mrs Buswell who has been at the school for 27 years, will be leaving us at the end of the current school year. She has been an integral part of the Little Crackers team for so long and has played such an important role with Stay ‘n Play over the years. We will say a little more about Mrs Buswell as we formally thank her closer to the end of the year. 
Whilst writing my piece for The Chronicle, I had a request to see if I was able to speak to three of our former pupils. Going through to reception, I had the wonderful surprise of seeing Justine, Nicolas and Matthias Buhour, who left us about 7 years ago. They are back living in France and have been out visiting their old friends. It was wonderful to be able to talk to them, to catch up on what they are all doing and to show them around the school. 
I hope that you are able to enjoy a wonderful weekend with your families. 

God bless,

Rob Duigan