
Mission Assembly

Mr Cottrill led the school assembly on Monday and asked everyone what makes us feel better when we are afraid?  Answers ranged from being scared of spiders, clowns, darkness and stealing apples! Mr Cottrill then retold the bible story of being afraid and how this fear could be overcome. The story from the bible was of Peter putting his trust in Jesus when he walked on the water towards Him. However, afraid of the rough wind and waves, he starts to sink before Jesus reaches out to save him. We learnt that Peter was only able to walk on water when he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus. But the moment he took his gaze off the Son of God, he began to sink. Similarly, sometimes we get so busy with our lives, that we ourselves forget the most important thing - to keep our faith and belief in Jesus alive, otherwise we too could start to lose direction and purpose. The assembly finished with the school listening to Lean On Me by Bill Withers to reinforce how we can all help others in their time of need and how important it is to share our worries and concerns with someone we can trust.








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Weekly Mission

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Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy

Jesus helped a blind man to see again. We also need to open our eyes to the problems in our world and what we can do to make them better.

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