Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

‘Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.’ – Rita Pierson

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Today saw our Junior 4 pupils and staff return from a most enjoyable residential outing to Kingswood outdoor activity centre. The pupils have benefitted from almost three days of activities that hopefully challenged them, as well as affording them much fun and opportunity for teamwork. Thank you to the J4 staff, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Hill, Mr Stedeford and Mrs Jackson-Mayne for giving of their time.

We also hosted the Scholastic Book Fair this week which was very well planned and managed by Mrs Steeples. There was also a  major sporting event this week, with the U11A football team competing, through regional qualification, at the national tournament today. Thank you to Mr Stedeford for his work with the team. The U11 tag rugby team took part in the ISA Midland  competition at Princethorpe today as well. Thank you to Mr Vaughan for taking them.

Congratulations to our stars of the week: Isla, Mairen, Charlotte, Imogen, Avni, Amaya, Elliott, Theo, Angelica, Elle, Blythe, Ria, Aiden and Arisha. Well done to those who received their Crackley Compass stars and also the many pupils who earned a Da Vinci award. Savannah, Alexander and Beatrice played their cellos exceptionally well and Angelica sung superbly – they were magnificent performances! Well done to all for pupils.

We have just the one week to go before we break up for the Easter holidays and still have so much work and many other activities to fit into the week ahead. It is our school Feast Day on Sunday 19 March and we will be celebrating this with Mass on Tuesday. Parents are most welcome to attend. We also have a parents’ consultation evening on Tuesday where parents and teachers can discuss the progress of the children over the year to date.

The pupils and staff will watch the J3 and J4 Easter Production on Tuesday and, I am certain, will be wowed by the enthusiasm and ability of the pupils in the show. I really enjoyed the outstanding production earlier this week. Thank you to all the J3 and 4 pupils; and thanks are also extended to Mrs Olden, Mrs Wildey and Mrs Paphitis.  I also appreciate the work of the rest of the classroom staff, the office staff, the estates team and the catering staff.

The Six Nations concludes tomorrow, with some exciting matches. I hope that you are able to find time to watch some of the rugby. I hope that you have a restful and happy weekend.

God bless,

Rob Duigan