Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear parents

I hope this week’s edition of the Chronicle finds you well.  At the time of writing, our Junior 4, 5 and 6 year groups will be at Resorts World Birmingham, preparing and rehearsing for terrific concert later this evening at Young Voices.  I know many parents will be travelling to watch the performance later this evening and I'm sure you will have a truly memorable experience.  My thanks to all the staff that have made this visit possible particularly Mrs Olden, Mrs Paphitis and all the staff that are travelling with children today.  I would also like to say thank you to the office staff who helped coordinate the logistics and tickets for this event which is no mean feat when it involves 3 year groups.

At the start of this week, Junior 5 arrived at school in costume ready to experience life as a Tudor for a day. Off The Page History visited school and spent the day in the hall with the children and our parent helpers where they tried their hand at mini workshops making soap, candles and also enjoying the storytelling and entertainment learning about life in the Tudor period.   We always receive very positive feedback from everyone involved in these history workshops.

As you will see later in this edition, there have been lots of other examples hands on learning this week with practical sessions in Reception classes where they have been making papier mâché owls; Junior 3 have been looking at friction in their science lesson; Junior 1 have been experimenting with insulators and Junior 4 made 3D elephants and then described them in their English lesson.  Pupils attending the Steam Club, run by Mrs Hardwick and Mrs Cowlishaw, have been patiently making geodesic decagons from straws.  Well done to those students who persevered with this very tricky task.

On Wednesday, Mr and Mrs Vaughan accompanied children participating in the ISA cross country at Bedstone College.  Although it was a grey and damp day the children really gave it their all and six pupils qualified for the ISA national cross competition.  Congratulations to everybody who took part and well done on your superb efforts representing Crackley Hall School.

During celebration assembly this morning I presented Stars of the Week to: Valentine, Yuvraaj, Sebastian, Aarav, Arjun, Josh, Una, Patrick, Rory, Grace, Adreena, Evie, Lexi and Matilda.  There was another super collection of certificates for children that have earned their bronze Crackley Compass Award; congratulations to everyone who received an award today.   I think everyone who attended assembly this morning will agree that the performance by Arthur in Junior 5 and Kate in Junior 6 was simply outstanding.  It was clear that they have both dedicated so much time to mastering the violin and I hope they take as much pleasure from playing as we did from listening to them perform.  Mr Cottrill will host next week’s celebration assembly as I will be attending the Catholic Independent Schools Conference.

Following assembly this morning it was my pleasure to welcome 7 headteacher's from independent schools across the Midlands region when I hosted a meeting discussing future events and how to share good practice. It is always interesting to visit other schools but I'm very proud to welcome visitors to Crackley Hall and for them to meet the pupils that make it so very special.

As half term is not too far away, I confirm that Holiday Club will be open (8.00am until 6.00pm) the duration of the half term.  Please email HolidayClub@CrackleyHall.co.uk if you would like to make an early booking and look out for further details of the planned activities next week.

I will end this week’s message with some news of two new appointments that have been made to the Crackley Hall and Little Crackers staff teams.  Miss Emma Birch will be joining Little Crackers Nursery as Nursery Manager from next Thursday and Mrs Taylor will begin her handover to my new PA, Mrs Sharon Davis-Harris, from 13 February.  Many of you will meet our new members of staff in due course and I hope you'll join me in wishing them well and their new roles.

I would like to wish you all a very happy and restful weekend.


God Bless,

Rob Duigan