
Reception Learn About Baptism

Reception explored what happens at a Baptism in RE this week and recognised that the Baptismal candle was a sign that Jesus is our light. We talked about why we need light and why it is important in our lives and we thought of ways in which Jesus can be like a light helping and guiding us. The children then acted out a Baptism and wrote a prayer about Jesus being our light - the light of the world.

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Monday Assembly

Monday's Collective Worship this week was on the theme of Kindness.

Pupils looked at the messages within the Psalms, in the Old Testament, to find out what the Bible says about ‘Kindness’. Mr Vaughan sang, Psalm 23 ‘The Lord’s My Shepherd’ as the pupils entered the hall. Pupils in Junior 3V demonstrated how actions can be added to psalms to help us understand.

Mrs Jackson-Mayne asked the whole school to think of actions to help us remember the Psalm 5. It was fantastic to see the whole school saying the psalm aloud with the actions.

Pupils were set the following mission for the week:-

Say one kind thing to someone every day this week.

Hold a door open for someone this week.

Let someone go before you this week.

Say ‘Good Morning' to someone each day.


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Weekly Mission

Please click on the links below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

When we are sad or lonely, things can feel dark, but when someone does something nice for us, everything seems brighter again. This is the light. We consider how we can share this light with others.

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