
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Henry
Reception A  Jacob
Reception M  Toby
J1H  Grace
J1G  Lucas
J2B  Poppy
J3H  Joshua
J3V  Leyton
J4S  Harrison 
J4R  Jacob
J5W  Arthur
J5L  Harry
J6V  Theo
J6H  Lucas

Congratulations to them all!

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Mrs Taylor Is Moving On

Lorraine Taylor, our long-serving, and highly respected Head’s PA at Crackley Hall, will be leaving at half-term. Lorraine has secured a similar role much closer to where she lives. If parents would like to contribute towards a leaving gift, please contact the school office. We will all miss Lorraine, but we wish her well as she continues life’s journey in her new role and thank her for all her wonderful work as part of the Crackley Hall team.

School Council Take Up Litter Picking

The School Council have started litter picking on a rota basis each Monday and Tuesday break times. A team went out for the first time on Tuesday and Mrs Burley, who co-ordinates the School Council, was so proud of how sensible they were. 

The School Council always prioritise environmental issues and this year is no exception. All of the School Councillors feel passionately about looking after our immediate environment, but this also extends into our community and the world at large. Last year, the School Council went on a litter pick around Kenilworth and Mrs Burley is sure that they will be venturing out and about again. Said Mrs Burley, "We are always very proud of how conscientious and sensible our children are and seeing Reception children right up to Year 6 working collaboratively and so happily together makes us very proud."

The School Council will continue to listen to their fellow students and to bring their ideas to our meetings, as well as trying to action as many of their fabulous ideas as possible. Well done, School Councillors!


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A Warm Welcome To Miss Lucy

The Nursery team are delighted to introduce you to Miss Lucy who has joined Little Crackers as a Nursery Practitioner. Lucy has been with us now for a week and has slotted straight in to our dedicated nursery team.

Lucy joined us from local nursery Bright Horizons in Kenilworth. She is really enjoying getting to know all our lovely Little Crackers and getting involved with all of their fantastic activities.

It's great to have you with us Lucy!

Stay 'n' Play Winter Forest Fun

It was wonderful to welcome everyone to Stay ‘n’ Play’s Forest Fun this week. Although chilly it was a lovely crisp, bright winter morning just perfect for exploring amongst the trees. The children all had lots of fun discovering all the activities and getting stuck into the mud!

The session took place in Crackley Hall’s wood at the back of the school and was led by Mrs Clark, the school’s Forest School Practitioner. The children had a choice of a hands-on activity creating a forest collage, as well as plenty of free play, in the woods, in the mud kitchen, on the hammocks, the rope swings and the slide.

It was great to see everyone and we hope our Stay 'n' Players all enjoyed the fun. Don't forget our next visiting activity is on Wednesday 15 February when we welcome Move It Shake It Dance.

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Foundation News: Pupils Get To Know The New Headmaster

Princethorpe College has a new Headmaster, Mr Grove du Toit, and last week, as he settled into life at Princethorpe College, the Heads of School, Freya and Pratheesh, sat down with him to ask him questions submitted by pupils from across the school. 

The question-and-answer session was recorded and is being shared with Princethorpe's pupils on Teams, to help them all get to know more about their new Headmaster.

This week on the College's social media they have also been sharing his answers, to introduce the wider Princethorpe community to Mr du Toit.

If you would like to see the clips, you can find the full video on the College website here.

Forest School Donations Wanted!

Our wonderful Forest School is looking for donations to enhance the time spent within the environment, we are looking for the below items please for imaginative play!

  • Old towels
  • Blankets
  • Rope/string/twine/shoe laces
  • Decking boards/scaffold planks (long/short)

Thank you for your support.