
Wellbeing Wednesday

Collective Worship this Thursday saw the launch of ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’ - this is the umbrella term for RSHE and PSHE. During the assembly, Mrs Jackson-Mayne and Mrs Burley talked about how our feelings are friends – they let us know how different situations affect us and give signs to help us know how to behave.

Pupils listened to the five Steps to improving mental health

  • Connect with friends
  • Be active
  • Be kind
  • Be grateful
  • Eat healthily

Pupils were invited to take part in a logo competition to design a logo for Wellbeing Wednesdays.

A Creative da Vinci will be awarded for each entry.

A Full da Vinci will be offered to  the winners of each category: Reception – Junior 2, Juniors 3 and 4 and Juniors 5 and 6.

The overall winner will have their design made into a keyring which will be given to everyone to celebrate the launch of ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’.


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Monday Assembly

Mr Cottrill led Monday's School Assembly and he spoke about the late Pope Benedict XVI.  We learnt how one of Jesus' disciples, Simon Peter, was asked by Jesus to be the first leader of the Church and how Pope Benedict continued to work for St Peter throughout the world.  Pope Benedict was the first Pope to establish The Rule which revolves around five practices of Prayer, Work, Study, Hospitality and Renewal, which are used as a guide amongst Christians today. Mr Cottrill was able to link this into the Crackley Compass of being Curious, Responsible, Active, Collaborative, Kind, Enthusiastic, and wanting to Learn.


Weekly Mission

Please click on the links below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

We hear how the Holy Spirit came and rested upon Jesus after his baptism. We reflect on how the Holy Spirit can help us to do what is right.

Activity Sheet