Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I have heard that there has been considerable rain fall back in the UK and also some localised flooding.  I know that this can cause a delay in your journey to school which, combined with the various local road works, can be frustrating.  Please do not be concerned about arriving later than planned as children will be taken to after care if parents are not able to collect by the end of carline and will be kept there until your arrival at school.  The rainfall has also resulted in our pitches being almost water logged in places but hopefully the rain will ease next week.

Although I have been in contact with school on a regular basis, it has been interesting for me to read about all the classroom activities that have taken place this week.  Junior 4 have been busy with their science, Junior 5 have been making full use of their classroom library and have taken a quiz about their chosen books.  Mme Westerman has been helping Junior 6 prepare for their live link up with their French penpals which will happen very soon.  Junior 1 and 2 have been working particularly hard on their maths skills using some unusual resources.  Mrs Jackson-Mayne has introduced different Psalms to Junior 3 this week and they’ve trying their very best to memorise them by working in groups and introducing some fun actions.  There are some lovely photographs of the Reception classes enjoying learning about looking after pet animals.  I do hope that you can spend some time looking through this edition of the Chronicle and read in more details about this week’s activities.

Next week we will return to hosting fixtures with the first being a rugby match against Crescent School.  I certainly hope that the weather is kinder to us next week.  The PTA have organised another book sale in school and I know that there is an impressive selection this year for the children to choose from.  This event will take place during the school day on Thursday 19 January and more information is available in the PTA section of the Chronicle.

My thanks to Mr Cottrill who hosted the Key Stage 2 celebration assembly today.  I understand that Adreena in Junior 5 sang a beautiful piece from The Sound of Music for everyone present and Stars of the Week were presented to Max, Sebastian in Mrs Allen’s and Sebastian in Mrs Malcolm’s class, Henry, Tommy, Cleo, Isabel, Thomas, Manhoor, Leo, Issy, Elsie, Frankie and Lennon.  There were also some Crackley Compass bronze awards presented and a selection of music certificates.  Congratulations to everyone who received an award or certificate today, your hard work will always be recognised and rewarded.

I will return to school on Monday morning and am very much looking forward to seeing everyone again.  I am sure that I will be back in ‘the swing’ of things very quickly but it might take slightly longer to acclimatise to the change in weather.

I wish everyone a relaxing weekend.

God bless,

Rob Duigan