
RE In Action

Monday's Assembly

Mr Cottrill led Monday’s Assembly and focussed on the second candle of Advent – the purple candle – displaying love and faith. We reflected on the four weeks leading up to Christmas as we await the arrival of Jesus. One of the most recognised symbols of Advent is the wreath and every element of the wreath communicates something special about this spiritual journey towards Christmas. We were reminded of the circular shape representing God’s eternal love, and the evergreen leaves which never fade in colour, also signifying God’s love. This was linked to the strong faith which Joseph had and how he trusted God.

Collective Worship

Mrs Jackson-Mayne led a Collective Worship with Reception, Juniors 1, 2 and 3 on the theme of the Nativity. Pupils dressed up, used knitted crib characters and role play to help her tell the Nativity story. Their response was amazing! Said Mrs Jackson-Mayne: “It was great to see the children play different parts and explain what happened.”

Next Mass

The next school mass will be lead by Junior 5L. This will be the Advent Mass and it will be held on Friday 16 December at 10.30am. All parents are invited to join us to celebrate our end of term and reflect on the ways that we can prepare for Christmas.

Learning in RE 

Junior 3 this week took part in a role play so that they could empathise with the thoughts, feelings and reactions of the shepherds – the first visitors to the manger scene. It was lovely to see them join in the drama and think of key questions during their learning.

Junior 4 reflected on how they could bring hope, love, joy and peace into the world through their own Advent calendar. One very mature response to God sending down His only son so that we might have peace on earth and reflected how they could bring peace was, "I can bring peace to my family by praying for them each night and making the most out of spending time with them." 

Last Call For

Points, prizes, Creative and Full Da Vincis, that will be awarded for the most inventive and imaginative cribs.


Make a crib from any materials: Lego, cork, lolly sticks, clay, playdough, playmobile, sweets, marzipan ...... the list is endless.

Build a stable and put in all the characters who you would find in a crib: Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, three Kings, a shepherd, a lamb, and a donkey.

All cribs must be brought into school during the final week 12 December to 16 December and they will be displayed in the hall during the final Mass.

Any questions, please email sjacksonmayne@crackleyhall.co.uk


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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Jesus tells us that He came to heal the sick and to bring good news to the poor. We reflect on how we can be good news for others.

Activity Sheet