Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

‘Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.’  
– Albert Einstein 

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 

I would like to open by thanking you all for supporting last Saturday’s Christmas fair.  Although the PTA have yet to confirm the total amount raised, I'm hugely grateful to everybody who worked so hard arranging the stalls, decorating the hall, planning the fair and then running the stalls on the day.  These events really do bring the school community together, including past families, and also help hugely to boost the PTA’s fund-raising efforts which, in turn, have a direct impact on additional provision for our pupils.

A further PTA fund raiser has been created by kind donation of The Orangery florist.  As you will have noticed on your approach to the school, the gates have been adorned by two magnificent wreaths and these will be auctioned to the highest bidder.  Please email your bid to LorraineTaylor@crackleyhall.co.uk and you will be notified if you are successful.  The wreaths may be removed from Friday 16 December.

This is our penultimate week before the Michaelmas Term ends and, unfortunately, the virus that seems to be circulating in many schools is ever-present.  We will continue to work with the UKHSA and keep parents informed when information becomes available to us.  Please remember that if your child returns to school after a period of illness or is diagnosed with Strep A or scarlet fever, they can only do so when medication is not required to control their temperature. 

Due to the level of absence experienced this week, we risk assessed our Junior 5 and 6 Advent Service and concluded the sensible solution, rather than cancelling completely, was to have the service at Crackley Hall.   Whilst I understand it was disappointing for the children not to perform in the Princethorpe College Chapel, we reduced the risk of transmission of any illness by holding the event here.  I'm sure the parents who attended will agree, the children performed superbly during the service and it was an absolute pleasure to witness.  My thanks to Mrs Olden, Mrs Wildey and Mrs Paphitis for co-ordinating this event and to the Catering, Estates and Office staff for helping at short notice when the venue was rearranged.

On Wednesday this week our new chef, Mrs Brew, ably assisted by Ms Arler and the rest of the catering team, served the delicious Christmas lunch to all children and staff.   Father Kevin and Father David were able to join me for Christmas lunch they too commented on the wonderful food and efficient service from the Holroyd Howe team. Ms Arler and Ms Bowron were also able to assist during the evening Advent Service and I am most grateful to them.

During Celebration Assembly this morning it was wonderful to see such a vast array of Christmas jumpers; I know I say it each year, but I never cease to be surprised by the variety available and it certainly made for a very colourful display.   I hope to hear how much has been raised for Save the Children later today.  I particularly enjoyed listening to our musical contributions this morning performed by Molly, Sienna and Blyth before presenting children with their awards.  This week’s Stars of the Week were awarded to:  Josi, Wilson, Marie, Delilah, Basile, Liana, Archie, Himmy, Amelia, Lexi-Jean, Molly, Darcey, Amelia, and Grace.   There were also a number of bronze awards presented today and I'm sure we will see an increase of these awards next term.  I will be inviting the whole school to next week’s Celebration Assembly which will be followed shortly afterwards, at 10.30 am, by our Advent Mass. You are most welcome to attend the Mass but please let the school office know beforehand so that we can allocate seating accordingly.

Next week will be the last week before we break for Christmas and we have lots of events to take us through to the end of term. On Monday, Nursery, Reception and Junior 1 children will visit the Warwick Arts Centre to watch the Stick Man. This visit is always very popular, and the little ones are always very excited to travel by coach and watch a festive treat. Thank you to Mrs Allen for organising this trip for our youngest pupils.  On Tuesday, we will host the Nursery and Reception nativities.  On Wednesday, Junior 1 and Junior 2 will be perform their nativity and I expect both these events to be well attended by families.  Please ensure that you use the school field for parking if you plan to attend which will avoid congestion and difficulties in the residential areas. 

We have recently had two new members of staff join Crackley Hall; Miss Carter-Whyte and Mr Sparks have been working as gap year Teaching Assistants in the Junior 3 class and sports department. Miss Carter-Whyte will move to the Junior 1 class in January as we unfortunately have to say goodbye to Mr Kefalas who will be leaving us at the end of term.  Even if your child is not in Junior 1 at the moment, I am sure you would have seen Mr Kefalas on Early Birds duty, car line, on the sports field or maybe even in holiday club as he immerses himself in every aspect of the school.  Mr Kefalas will be leaving Crackley Hall to further his career and develop his interest in IT and, whilst we will all miss him, we wish him the very best of luck. If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift, please see a member of the office team who will be able to assist.

I'm sure many football fans will be watching the England and France game tomorrow evening and I shall be listening out from 7.00 pm as I'm sure that will be plenty of vocal reactions to each goal scored.

I would like to wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend.

God bless,

Rob Duigan