Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, in English, Junior 6 have focused on the text Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. We looked closely at the opening paragraphs and thought carefully about the setting, making comparisons between this and other novels that are similar, particularly the Harry Potter series and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We identified specific clues that we were given in the text and discussed how this evidence led us to hypothesise about the plot, setting and characters. We also worked in pairs to stack words to ensure that pertinent and precise details were given in individual sentences. We took Phillip Pullman’s concept of a human being having a daemon that was a manifestation of one’s innermost soul and character and thought about our own characters and personalities, considering which animal would best match with us. We then researched our chosen animal and put together a non-chronological report about them. We wondered if our daemon choices would be obvious to others or not!

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Junior 5

This week in Religious Education, Junior 5L have been learning about preparing themselves spiritually, for Christmas. The children have discovered the history and symbolism of the Advent wreath. They learnt that: the first two candles are purple and mean Hope and Love, the third candle is pink and represents Joy and the fourth candle represents Peace. On Christmas Day, the white candle will be placed onto the wreath, to signify the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. The children thought carefully about when they had experienced hope, love, joy and peace in their lives: answering questions regarding what they hope to give and receive this Christmas; when in their life they have felt God’s love; what brings them joy and how they would bring peace to their community. They created their own advent wreaths using coloured pencils, paper and scissors.


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Junior 4

As the mornings have become frostier, Junior 4 have enjoyed the warmth of the increasing festivities, which has included a delicious Christmas meal. The children enjoyed wearing their Santa hats and sampling some tasty food. They were all devastated that brussell sprouts weren’t on the menu! In the classroom, the children have been learning about the importance of trees, which led to them making their own posters. It is wonderful to see how much the children care about protecting these incredible organisms and their enthusiasm for finding solutions to climate change, is inspiring. Well done Junior 4, you are natural environmentalists!

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Junior 3

Storyboard writing this week in Junior 3H and we absolutely LOVE it. Pupils have been working on a story of their own which tells the tale of someone trying to prevent flooding in Kenilworth…… by telling the best jokes they can to the rainy sky. Some of our jokes ‘hit the spot’, others fell like a damp squib and the pesky rain kept falling. Storyboards are a great way of sequencing a story, so the flow and pace is maintained. Children have been so creative – we even have a ghost featuring in one of our tales! Spooky.

We have also been reading lots this week. The children loved the tale of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. Ms Holmes was dispensed to get Turkish Delight for the pupils to try like Edmund in the story, which arrived on Monday! Some loved it, some didn’t……….let’s hope they don’t become addicted to the perfumed jelly and sell their souls to the White Queen. Happy penultimate week everyone.

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Junior 2

This week Junior 2 have had fun producing some fabulous Christmas cards and treats to take home. On Wednesday, we were very lucky to share our festive cheers while enjoying a Christmas lunch. In Maths we have had lots of fun producing 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallow. This was very tricky for some, but children showed great resilience and achieved some fabulous shapes.


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Junior 1

Junior 1 were greeted on Monday by a gift from their elves. A number of candy canes arrived in their classrooms as a special thank you gift from each elf as they were delighted with the names they had been given – Elf Timmy and Elf Snowy. This led the classes to take time in their English lessons to write a thank you letter to their elf. After that another letter was written, this time to Father Christmas. Junior 1 had to think carefully about how to set their letter out, remember to be polite and not demand things and ask a question or two to help make their letter interesting to Father Christmas. In History they found out how Father Christmas became the person he is today. They learnt all about St. Nicholas and the good deeds he did when he was younger. They were amazed to find out that this all started in Turkey in the year 270!

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This week has been a busy one for Reception! We are so lucky to have so many children back with us in school and starting to enjoy our preparations for Christmas. We have been practising hard for our Nativity performance next week, singing our hearts out and saying our lines clearly. We have also been sharing the story Stick Man in anticipation of our trip to the theatre and writing lists and a letter to Santa.

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