
Sewing Club

This term in Sewing Club the Junior 3 pupils have been hard at work making various Christmas decorations from felt, to hang on their Christmas trees. Examples included Christmas stockings, Christmas trees decorated with buttons, bells and cute little robins. The children have enjoyed learning how to perfect their running stitch, the over stitch as well as how to sew on buttons. 

Please remember to sign up for Sewing Club next term. It would be great to see some new faces. 





Lego Club

We’ve seen some pretty awesome Lego creations in Lego club this term and with house points up for grabs, the challenge of stretching creativity and using detailed building skills made the asignments even more exciting! This week was certainly no exception. With Lego inventions and Winter Wonderland as our theme, not to mention crib-making, we not only made designs which looked amazing, but ones which actually worked! From an impressive Winter Cafe serving delicious hot chocolates, to a Lego sorting machine with four-arms picking up and sorting blocks as they shuffle along conveyor belts, and an amazing, fully articulated robot which was capable of moving, gripping and twisting, just like your own hand! We shared our cool creations and showcased our ideas, even working together to solve any problems - like how many marshmallows can you actually dip into a cup of hot chocolate without it spilling over?! We tinkered, engineered, built, experimented and problem-solved and loved every minute – especially when we had our weekly raffle with our Christmas Lego Advent calendar. Happy Lego building during the Christmas holidays everyone and remember – Keep Calm, Build Lego and always, always keep checking the floor!

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