Welcome to The Chronicle, Crackley Hall School’s e-newsletter.

Pupils and staff took part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day today and what a lot of wonderful designs were worn to school. What great Christmas spirit, thank you so much to everyone for supporting our fundraising.

It’s been Christmas fun all week starting with the PTA Christmas Fair and then the traditional Advent Service and next week we are in for more Christmas treats with the nativities to enjoy.

Across the school, it has been as busy as always, so do read on to find out what the children have been up to.


Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

‘Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.’  
– Albert Einstein 

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 

I would like to open by thanking you all for supporting last Saturday’s Christmas fair.  Although the PTA have yet to confirm the total amount raised, I'm hugely grateful to everybody who worked so hard arranging the stalls, decorating the hall, planning the fair and then running the stalls on the day.  These events really do bring the school community together, including past families, and also help hugely to boost the PTA’s fund-raising efforts which, in turn, have a direct impact on additional provision for our pupils.

A further PTA fund raiser has been created by kind donation of The Orangery florist.  As you will have noticed on your approach to the school, the gates have been adorned by two magnificent wreaths and these will be auctioned to the highest bidder.  Please email your bid to LorraineTaylor@crackleyhall.co.uk and you will be notified if you are successful.  The wreaths may be removed from Friday 16 December.

This is our penultimate week before the Michaelmas Term ends and, unfortunately, the virus that seems to be circulating in many schools is ever-present.  We will continue to work with the UKHSA and keep parents informed when information becomes available to us.  Please remember that if your child returns to school after a period of illness or is diagnosed with Strep A or scarlet fever, they can only do so when medication is not required to control their temperature. 

Due to the level of absence experienced this week, we risk assessed our Junior 5 and 6 Advent Service and concluded the sensible solution, rather than cancelling completely, was to have the service at Crackley Hall.   Whilst I understand it was disappointing for the children not to perform in the Princethorpe College Chapel, we reduced the risk of transmission of any illness by holding the event here.  I'm sure the parents who attended will agree, the children performed superbly during the service and it was an absolute pleasure to witness.  My thanks to Mrs Olden, Mrs Wildey and Mrs Paphitis for co-ordinating this event and to the Catering, Estates and Office staff for helping at short notice when the venue was rearranged.

On Wednesday this week our new chef, Mrs Brew, ably assisted by Ms Arler and the rest of the catering team, served the delicious Christmas lunch to all children and staff.   Father Kevin and Father David were able to join me for Christmas lunch they too commented on the wonderful food and efficient service from the Holroyd Howe team. Ms Arler and Ms Bowron were also able to assist during the evening Advent Service and I am most grateful to them.

During Celebration Assembly this morning it was wonderful to see such a vast array of Christmas jumpers; I know I say it each year, but I never cease to be surprised by the variety available and it certainly made for a very colourful display.   I hope to hear how much has been raised for Save the Children later today.  I particularly enjoyed listening to our musical contributions this morning performed by Molly, Sienna and Blyth before presenting children with their awards.  This week’s Stars of the Week were awarded to:  Josi, Wilson, Marie, Delilah, Basile, Liana, Archie, Himmy, Amelia, Lexi-Jean, Molly, Darcey, Amelia, and Grace.   There were also a number of bronze awards presented today and I'm sure we will see an increase of these awards next term.  I will be inviting the whole school to next week’s Celebration Assembly which will be followed shortly afterwards, at 10.30 am, by our Advent Mass. You are most welcome to attend the Mass but please let the school office know beforehand so that we can allocate seating accordingly.

Next week will be the last week before we break for Christmas and we have lots of events to take us through to the end of term. On Monday, Nursery, Reception and Junior 1 children will visit the Warwick Arts Centre to watch the Stick Man. This visit is always very popular, and the little ones are always very excited to travel by coach and watch a festive treat. Thank you to Mrs Allen for organising this trip for our youngest pupils.  On Tuesday, we will host the Nursery and Reception nativities.  On Wednesday, Junior 1 and Junior 2 will be perform their nativity and I expect both these events to be well attended by families.  Please ensure that you use the school field for parking if you plan to attend which will avoid congestion and difficulties in the residential areas. 

We have recently had two new members of staff join Crackley Hall; Miss Carter-Whyte and Mr Sparks have been working as gap year Teaching Assistants in the Junior 3 class and sports department. Miss Carter-Whyte will move to the Junior 1 class in January as we unfortunately have to say goodbye to Mr Kefalas who will be leaving us at the end of term.  Even if your child is not in Junior 1 at the moment, I am sure you would have seen Mr Kefalas on Early Birds duty, car line, on the sports field or maybe even in holiday club as he immerses himself in every aspect of the school.  Mr Kefalas will be leaving Crackley Hall to further his career and develop his interest in IT and, whilst we will all miss him, we wish him the very best of luck. If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift, please see a member of the office team who will be able to assist.

I'm sure many football fans will be watching the England and France game tomorrow evening and I shall be listening out from 7.00 pm as I'm sure that will be plenty of vocal reactions to each goal scored.

I would like to wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend.

God bless,

Rob Duigan


Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Josi
Reception A  Wilson
Reception M  Marie
J1H  Delilah
J1G  Basile
J2B  Liana
J3H  Archie
J3V  Himmy
J4S  Amelia
J4R  Lexi-Jean
J5W  Molly
J5L  Darcey
J6V  Amelia
J6H  Grace

Congratulations to them all!

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Mrs Clark`s Artwork On Display In The Leamington Spa Art Gallery

Mrs Clark, who teaches Art and Forest School, is a practising artist and one of her pieces is currently on display in the Leamington Spa Art Gallery (in the Pump Rooms). Her work was awarded a Judge's Commendation. You might like to visit the gallery to have a look! There is a people’s choice award, the judging for which, closes this Sunday 11 December, so if you would like to visit and vote, this weekend is your last chance! 

We wish you good luck Mrs Clark! 

Christmas Cheer Begins With PTA Fair

For just one special Saturday in early December our lovely school is transformed into a 'Winter Wonderland' when we host the PTA Christmas Fair. Families and friends descend on the school for plenty of festive fun. There is plenty to choose from too with lots of games and craft on offer for the children as well as traditional tombolas and stalls galore.

The Christmas Fair is also a chance to meet Father Christmas in his grotto and to catch up with friends over mince pies and mulled wine.

Thank you so much to our wonderful PTA and to everyone who helped out at our Christmas Fair or who came along to support us on the day. It was lovely to see so many people enjoying themselves and getting in the festive spirit.

Congratulations to our families and children who won the following at the Christmas Fair:

Santa: Rosie (J6) - last stop was guessed correctly for Mistletoe Mile

Sweets: Isla (RM)- a whopping 194 sweets in the stocking! 

The Giant Teddy who needed a name: Alfie (3H) named him Jingles!

Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Fair and supported the PTA.


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Advent Service Heralds The Coming Of Christmas

On Wednesday 7 December, Junior 5 and Junior 6 led our traditional Key Stage 2 Christmas Advent Service.

Parents, grandparents and friends were welcomed to Crackley Hall before the service opened with the traditional solo verse of Once in Royal David's City. The Advent Service was filled with carols, readings and music, alongside the careful lighting of the candles on the advent wreath.

This cornerstone of Crackley Hall’s festive calendar did not disappoint. Much loved music and prayer brought families together to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas period.

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Crackley Enjoys Christmas Jumper Day

It was Christmas Jumper Day here at Crackley Hall School today, one of our favourite days of the year, when we all come together to raise funds for Save The Children.

We had a super turnout, well done everyone, you all looked amazing! 

Christmas Dinner Gets The Thumbs Up

A huge thank you to our wonderful catering team from Holroyd Howe who served us with a delicious Christmas dinner on Wednesday! The children enjoyed every mouthful and all had a great time!

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Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play Christmas Party

We were delighted to welcome over 30 families and 40 children to the Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play Christmas Party on Wednesday morning.

Little ones enjoyed festive crafts and yummy snacks, as well as a special visit from one of Santa's elves and for those who weren't too scared, Father Christmas himself! We had lots of high fives and smiles all round.

Stay 'n' Play returns week commencing Monday 9 January. We have some exciting events booked in, including Forest Fun and a taster session with Jas from our Move it, Shake it dance group. 

Merry Christmas from Gail, Mary, Delores and Jenny the Elf!

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Christmas Holiday Club

Christmas Holiday Club will run from Monday 19 to Thursday 22 December. It will also be open on Tuesday 3 January 2023. Bookings are now open for days that are jam packed full of activites and trips. The trips will incur additional charges. Places are filling fast, so if you require a place please book early!

Friday 23 December Holiday Club will not be open due to all schools within the foundation being closed. 

Monday 19 December - Jam Jam Boomerang £7.50

Tuesday 20 December - Christmas Cookery 

Wednesday 21 December - Vue Cinema Leamington £5 (entrance fee, popcorn and a drink)

Thursday 22 December - Jump In, Warwick £10 (entrance fee and socks)

Tuesday 3 January 2023 - Magical Land at Studio Megastar £8.50 (exclusive use of this venue) THIS DATE IS FULLY BOOKED - if you wish to be placed on a waiting list please email holidayclub@crackleyhall.co.uk

Daily rates are as follows;

9am-5pm which includes hot lunch £30 per child 

Breakfast Club 8am-9am which includes breakfast £5 per child 

Teatime Club 5pm-6pm which includes hot tea £5 per child 

Special Offer - book the whole week Monday to Friday and save £10! 

Due to adult/child ratios early booking is advised. 

Please book via the Holiday Club email address - holidayclub@crackleyhall.co.uk

We accept childcare vouchers or holiday club fees can be added to your termly bill. Thank you.

Christmas Tennis Camp - Reminder

Kenilworth Tennis and Squash Club are holding a Christmas Camp for three days for children of all abilities from ages 4 to 15 years old. 

Please see the information attached: Tennis Camp


Events - Week Beginning Monday 12 December


Monday 12 December


Reception visit to Warwick Arts Centre 

Tuesday 13 December 



Nursery Nativity 

Reception Nativity 

Wednesday 14 December 






J3 and J4 swimming lessons

J1 and J2 Nativity 


Thursday 15 December  09.15-10.15  PTA Pantomine
 Friday 16 December 





Celebration Assembly 

Advent Mass for the whole school 

School Carol Service 

Michealmas Term Ends




Awards and Celebrations

Celebration Assembly - Friday 9 December

Scroll through the gallery to see photos from our Celebration Assembly.

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Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, in English, Junior 6 have focused on the text Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. We looked closely at the opening paragraphs and thought carefully about the setting, making comparisons between this and other novels that are similar, particularly the Harry Potter series and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We identified specific clues that we were given in the text and discussed how this evidence led us to hypothesise about the plot, setting and characters. We also worked in pairs to stack words to ensure that pertinent and precise details were given in individual sentences. We took Phillip Pullman’s concept of a human being having a daemon that was a manifestation of one’s innermost soul and character and thought about our own characters and personalities, considering which animal would best match with us. We then researched our chosen animal and put together a non-chronological report about them. We wondered if our daemon choices would be obvious to others or not!

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Junior 5

This week in Religious Education, Junior 5L have been learning about preparing themselves spiritually, for Christmas. The children have discovered the history and symbolism of the Advent wreath. They learnt that: the first two candles are purple and mean Hope and Love, the third candle is pink and represents Joy and the fourth candle represents Peace. On Christmas Day, the white candle will be placed onto the wreath, to signify the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. The children thought carefully about when they had experienced hope, love, joy and peace in their lives: answering questions regarding what they hope to give and receive this Christmas; when in their life they have felt God’s love; what brings them joy and how they would bring peace to their community. They created their own advent wreaths using coloured pencils, paper and scissors.


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Junior 4

As the mornings have become frostier, Junior 4 have enjoyed the warmth of the increasing festivities, which has included a delicious Christmas meal. The children enjoyed wearing their Santa hats and sampling some tasty food. They were all devastated that brussell sprouts weren’t on the menu! In the classroom, the children have been learning about the importance of trees, which led to them making their own posters. It is wonderful to see how much the children care about protecting these incredible organisms and their enthusiasm for finding solutions to climate change, is inspiring. Well done Junior 4, you are natural environmentalists!

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Junior 3

Storyboard writing this week in Junior 3H and we absolutely LOVE it. Pupils have been working on a story of their own which tells the tale of someone trying to prevent flooding in Kenilworth…… by telling the best jokes they can to the rainy sky. Some of our jokes ‘hit the spot’, others fell like a damp squib and the pesky rain kept falling. Storyboards are a great way of sequencing a story, so the flow and pace is maintained. Children have been so creative – we even have a ghost featuring in one of our tales! Spooky.

We have also been reading lots this week. The children loved the tale of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. Ms Holmes was dispensed to get Turkish Delight for the pupils to try like Edmund in the story, which arrived on Monday! Some loved it, some didn’t……….let’s hope they don’t become addicted to the perfumed jelly and sell their souls to the White Queen. Happy penultimate week everyone.

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Junior 2

This week Junior 2 have had fun producing some fabulous Christmas cards and treats to take home. On Wednesday, we were very lucky to share our festive cheers while enjoying a Christmas lunch. In Maths we have had lots of fun producing 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallow. This was very tricky for some, but children showed great resilience and achieved some fabulous shapes.


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Junior 1

Junior 1 were greeted on Monday by a gift from their elves. A number of candy canes arrived in their classrooms as a special thank you gift from each elf as they were delighted with the names they had been given – Elf Timmy and Elf Snowy. This led the classes to take time in their English lessons to write a thank you letter to their elf. After that another letter was written, this time to Father Christmas. Junior 1 had to think carefully about how to set their letter out, remember to be polite and not demand things and ask a question or two to help make their letter interesting to Father Christmas. In History they found out how Father Christmas became the person he is today. They learnt all about St. Nicholas and the good deeds he did when he was younger. They were amazed to find out that this all started in Turkey in the year 270!

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This week has been a busy one for Reception! We are so lucky to have so many children back with us in school and starting to enjoy our preparations for Christmas. We have been practising hard for our Nativity performance next week, singing our hearts out and saying our lines clearly. We have also been sharing the story Stick Man in anticipation of our trip to the theatre and writing lists and a letter to Santa.

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Please click on the link for this week's newsletter.




RE In Action

Monday's Assembly

Mr Cottrill led Monday’s Assembly and focussed on the second candle of Advent – the purple candle – displaying love and faith. We reflected on the four weeks leading up to Christmas as we await the arrival of Jesus. One of the most recognised symbols of Advent is the wreath and every element of the wreath communicates something special about this spiritual journey towards Christmas. We were reminded of the circular shape representing God’s eternal love, and the evergreen leaves which never fade in colour, also signifying God’s love. This was linked to the strong faith which Joseph had and how he trusted God.

Collective Worship

Mrs Jackson-Mayne led a Collective Worship with Reception, Juniors 1, 2 and 3 on the theme of the Nativity. Pupils dressed up, used knitted crib characters and role play to help her tell the Nativity story. Their response was amazing! Said Mrs Jackson-Mayne: “It was great to see the children play different parts and explain what happened.”

Next Mass

The next school mass will be lead by Junior 5L. This will be the Advent Mass and it will be held on Friday 16 December at 10.30am. All parents are invited to join us to celebrate our end of term and reflect on the ways that we can prepare for Christmas.

Learning in RE 

Junior 3 this week took part in a role play so that they could empathise with the thoughts, feelings and reactions of the shepherds – the first visitors to the manger scene. It was lovely to see them join in the drama and think of key questions during their learning.

Junior 4 reflected on how they could bring hope, love, joy and peace into the world through their own Advent calendar. One very mature response to God sending down His only son so that we might have peace on earth and reflected how they could bring peace was, "I can bring peace to my family by praying for them each night and making the most out of spending time with them." 

Last Call For

Points, prizes, Creative and Full Da Vincis, that will be awarded for the most inventive and imaginative cribs.


Make a crib from any materials: Lego, cork, lolly sticks, clay, playdough, playmobile, sweets, marzipan ...... the list is endless.

Build a stable and put in all the characters who you would find in a crib: Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, three Kings, a shepherd, a lamb, and a donkey.

All cribs must be brought into school during the final week 12 December to 16 December and they will be displayed in the hall during the final Mass.

Any questions, please email sjacksonmayne@crackleyhall.co.uk


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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Jesus tells us that He came to heal the sick and to bring good news to the poor. We reflect on how we can be good news for others.

Activity Sheet



Sewing Club

This term in Sewing Club the Junior 3 pupils have been hard at work making various Christmas decorations from felt, to hang on their Christmas trees. Examples included Christmas stockings, Christmas trees decorated with buttons, bells and cute little robins. The children have enjoyed learning how to perfect their running stitch, the over stitch as well as how to sew on buttons. 

Please remember to sign up for Sewing Club next term. It would be great to see some new faces. 





Lego Club

We’ve seen some pretty awesome Lego creations in Lego club this term and with house points up for grabs, the challenge of stretching creativity and using detailed building skills made the asignments even more exciting! This week was certainly no exception. With Lego inventions and Winter Wonderland as our theme, not to mention crib-making, we not only made designs which looked amazing, but ones which actually worked! From an impressive Winter Cafe serving delicious hot chocolates, to a Lego sorting machine with four-arms picking up and sorting blocks as they shuffle along conveyor belts, and an amazing, fully articulated robot which was capable of moving, gripping and twisting, just like your own hand! We shared our cool creations and showcased our ideas, even working together to solve any problems - like how many marshmallows can you actually dip into a cup of hot chocolate without it spilling over?! We tinkered, engineered, built, experimented and problem-solved and loved every minute – especially when we had our weekly raffle with our Christmas Lego Advent calendar. Happy Lego building during the Christmas holidays everyone and remember – Keep Calm, Build Lego and always, always keep checking the floor!

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PTA Facebook

Did you know you can find us on Facebook? Search Crackley Hall PTA to keep up with our events and what we are doing to help enhance your child's experience at Crackley Hall.

200 Club December Winners

A big congratulations to our October 200 club winners!

£100 - Gavin

£75 - Marike

£50 - Cara 

You could be the next big winner as the 200 Club January enrolment is now open! You must be in it to win it! 

For £45 you will be entered into a monthly draw from January to July for a chance to win £100, £75 or £50.

We absolutely love giving back to the families and can’t thank you enough for your support, enrolment via the link below:

200 Club

Good luck!

PTA Second Hand Sports And Uniform

We now have many sports and uniform items back in stock. If you have any orders you would like to place, please email uniform@pta.crackleyhall.co.uk - we are volunteer run and aim to get back to you within seven days.

We are also always looking for donations of items your child has outgrown. Please drop these in the box labelled ‘PTA uniform’, located in the front porch of the school. 

As always, we thank you for your support and couldn’t run the second hand shop without your generous donations. 




Easy Fundraising

Crackley Hall PTA - Kenilworth needs your help!

Sign up to easyfundraising and raise FREE donations every time you shop online with over 6,000 retailers. John Lewis, Argos, Uswitch, eBay and many more are waiting to give a free donation.

Plus, once you’ve signed up and raised £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give us an extra £5 bonus donation!

Sign up to support us here – Easy Fundraising

Big PTA Christmas Raffle

The Big PTA Christmas Raffle is Back! Can you help us reach our goal of 500 tickets?

We are excited to join The Big PTA Cash Draw. After the last couple of years, we are determined to get our fundraising back on track and this is an opportunity to have some fun and raise money for our school.

For every ticket purchased, you will have 12 chances to win up to £5,000! At the same time, we will raise 50% from every ticket sold supporting our PTA. It's a fantastic way to bring parents, carers, teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our PTA, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children – we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment, as well as run extra-curricular activities such as music, art and sport.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!

Ticket sales close 6.00pm on Wednesday 14 December.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to enter:  

Big PTA Cash Draw


Foundation Job Vacancies

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Curent vacancies include:

  • Head of English - Princethorpe College
  • Head of History - Princethorpe College
  • Teacher of Maths (maternity cover) - Princethorpe College
  • Sports Coaches - Hockey, Netball, Football and Cricket - Princethorpe College

Further information and application forms on all roles are available on the Foundation's website - www.princethorpe.co.uk/join-us