
Lost Property

Parents, please ensure that all items of school uniform and sports kits are named.

Could you please regularly check all uniform and sports kits at home – if it does not belong to your child, please return it to the School Office as soon as possible.


Henry F (4R) has lost a sports fleece

Theo C (2B) has lost two winter coats and tracksuit top

Arabella O (2B) has lost two sports fleeces and a tracksuit top

Bella Z (3H) has lost a pink metal water bottle

Savannah H (3H) has lost sports tracksuit bottoms

Fergus C (5W) has lost his Kooga Football boots

Foundation Job Vacancies

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Curent vacancies include:

  • Examinations Officer - Princethorpe College
  • Hockey Coach - Princethorpe College
  • Netball Coach - Princethorpe College
  • Football Coach - Princethorpe College
  • Cricket Coach - Princethorpe College
  • Library Assistant - Princethorpe College
  • Nursery Practitioner - Little Crackers
  • Exam Invigilators - Princethorpe College

Further information and application forms on all roles are available on the Foundation's website -