
Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

RE In Action

Reception were busy preparing for Advent this week when they made their very own Advent wreaths ready for the first Sunday of Advent, beginning on 27 November. They learnt all about the candles and the meaning of the three purple and one pink candle representing the light that Jesus brought to the world, before surrounding the wreath with greenery symbolising that Jesus is always alive.

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Monday's Assembly

Mrs McAloon led the school assembly on Monday as we heard the Parable Of The Lamp And The Bushel taken from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, linked to our Weekly Mission, where we were reminded that Jesus is the light of the world and He will continue to guide us and help us to shine. The pupils were asked how Jesus can help us in our everyday life and a flood of answers unfolded around the hall - from praying to Jesus to ask for His help, to making sure we are kind and forgiving to all those around us. We saw how a hand was put over a candle which was shining brightly in a darkened room, but the light was still trying to seep through the hand - like Jesus shining through the darkness helping everyone to see His light. Mrs McAloon concluded the assembly with a thought and a question - how can we shine brightly this week?

Children's Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy

First Sunday of Advent (27 November)

Advent is a special time when we get ready for the coming of Jesus. We reflect on what how we can prepare to welcome Jesus.

Activity Sheet